Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Cosi hsc practice essay Essay
Discuss how Nowra’s perspective on personal relationships is conveyed in Cosi. The play Cosi by Louis Nowra is an emotional portrayal of personal relationships in a Melbourne mental institution ostracised by society. Throughout the play Nowra’s perspective on personal relationships develops and changes through character relationships and development, especially the development of the main protagonist Lewis. Nowra conveys his perspective on personal relationships through themes such as the importance of love and fidelity, the empowerment of women and learning and self-development. Techniques such as symbolism, intertextuality and contrast are also used to further highlight Nowra’s perspective. Nowra’s perspective on personal relationships is primarily shown through the character Lewis and his personal relationships with other characters in the play, especially in his relationship with his girlfriend Lucy. Act Two, Scene Two which features a confrontation between Lewis and Lucy on their relationship is significant in showing this. In this scene, Lucy comes to pick Lewis up to take him to the moratorium meeting and Lewis must decide between staying for the play and going with Lucy. Nowra’s belief on the importance of the existence of love and fidelity in a relationship is shown when Lewis says to Lucy â€Å"It’s about important things like love and fidelity†. Intertextuality is used here through Lewis’ character development and change of values that is evident in this line. This change occurred through his participation in the production of Cosi Fan Tutte with the patients and his exposure to the themes in the play. The women in both Cosi Fan Tutte and Cosi are often compared with the Arabian Phoenix which acts a symbol for a woman’s constancy or fidelity. â€Å"A woman’s constancy is like the Arabian Phoenix. Everyone swears it exists, but no one has seen it.†This is quoted by Lewis to Lucy to further convey Nowra’s belief in the importance of love and fidelity in a relationship. As Cosi was written in a time where a huge social change was occurring and women were beginning to have more sexual freedom with the invention he birth control pill, a lot of aspects of the play focus on the empowerment of women and the double standards that exist between and women in society especially when it comes to fidelity. This is shown in Nowra’s contrast of Act Two, Scene One and Act Two, Scene, Two. In Scene One, Lewis is unfaithful as he kisses Julie but in Act Two he reprimands Lucy for sleeping with Nick failing to mention his own infidelities. Intertextuality is used in this scene when Lewis claims that a woman’s constancy is like the Arabian Phoenix, revealing his hypocrisy. Through Lewis’ condemnation, Nowra demonstrates that, although modern society has become more sexually lenient, there are still double standards that occur which condone men’s fidelity but condemn women’s fidelity. It is revealed that Nowra believes that men and women should be equal not only in relationships but in society too. Julie articulates the message at the beginning of the play when she says that men â€Å"want women to deceive them because it will prove their worst thoughts about women†which in contrast is confirmed by Lewis’ attitude towards Lucy’s infidelities.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Organizational Behavior Forces Discussion Paper
ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR FORCES DISCUSSION PAPER TEAM B MGT307 APRIL 12, 2010 ANDY WAGSTAFF Organizational Behavior Forces Discussion In this paper Learning Team B compares and contrasts the different organizations of each of its team members. The team is made up of six students, each of which is employed by a different organization. It was with a collaborative effort that this group was able to discuss and analyze these organizations. The individual companies and business environments that were addressed in the learning team discussions include; a correctional facility, a variety of organizations that provide some form of health care or medical service, a retail store, an insurance company, and one member of Team B is employed at home as a homemaker/student. Team B participated in discussions and analyzed the organizational behaviors of each organization within their group. The purpose of this paper is to provide that analysis that describes some of the internal and external forces that have an impact on organizational behaviors. Team B intends to present an explanation summarizing the findings of the Learning Team discussions. The paper includes an analysis of the following internal and external forces: Restructuring Organizational Mission Competition Economy Customer Demands The following are personal descriptions of internal and external forces that impact organizational behavior within the organizations of each individual member of Learning Team B. Restructuring Restructuring, or rearranging, of an organization can turn a company upside- down and leave employees in a state of shock. This particular external force can have a huge impact on the organizational behaviors of any organization from a medical clinic to a correctional facility. It is customary for a company under restructure to use layoffs or reduce full-time positions to part-time to decrease the costs of employment. Another possible change made by a company trying to survive after downsizing could be to obtain lower employee wages. This could be done by moving the business to a facility in another state or country. For any number of reasons, a company may choose to move only part of its organization during the restructure. For example, a business’ medical records department holds confidential information regarding its employees. With this in mind, the restructuring team may want to select an outside source to perform medical records services during the restructure. This will ensure the confidentiality of its employees and safeguard their personal information. Understanding organizational behaviors brought on by internal and external forces is important for everyone involved whether it is an insurance company, a retail store, or a home health care agency. There is little known about the safety and health risks to workers who face or survive episodes of downsizing, or the effects of downsizing and outsourcing on the capacity of organizations to provide occupational health services and programs for workers {text:bibliography-mark} . Therefore, it is highly recommended that personnel meetings be scheduled to address the questions and concerns of a company’s remaining employees. Organizational Mission The organizational mission of the medical team at the Pendleton Prison System Department of Corrections provides inmate rehabilitation and medical care. The mission of the medical team at Pendleton is to reduce unnecessary morbidity and mortality and protect public health by providing patient-inmate timely access to safe, efficient medical care, dental, and disability programs. The mission statement of an organization affects the organizational behavior within the company by providing direction to each person’s duties within the company. Although the organizations of the members of Team B are significantly different in size and function, the impact of their organizational mission directly affects their organizational behavior and success. Most organizations define a mission statement and develop practices to control the organizational behavior of the organization to accomplish this mission {text:bibliography-mark} . Competition Competition is an external force that affects organizational behavior in retail as well as many other types of organizations. There are several examples of the different external forces that affect organizational behaviors, some of which include; creditors, customers, suppliers, and the labor market. Competitors Competitors are peers that perform similar functions within their professional discipline. Competitors contribute to the industry with their ability, supply, goods, and services, at competitive prices. Competitors’ contributions are usually of a high caliber and this is what gives consumers their choices. Creditors In contrast, creditors have an impact in retail because most businesses purchase goods and services to a large extent on credit. Generally, these businesses are given discounts or other incentives for buying in bulk. Customers Customers obviously play an essential part in the retail business. In fact, without any customers, there would be no business. In retail, it is important that a business know how to change with itscustomers. This will expand customer confidence and increase buying. Labor Market The labor market affects the number of qualified employees who a business will be allowed to hire. In comparison to expanding customer confidence, the lack of qualified employees at a business can lead any type of organization to customer dissatisfaction. Customer Demands Customer demand is the quantity of a product or service that customers are willing and able to purchase at a given price during a given period {text:bibliography-mark} . Meeting the demands of customers can be difficult at times. The medical field always has tried to satisfy its customers’ needs in the best way possible, but it is becoming more complicated because of the customers’ increased expectations. Here is an example of changes in organizational behaviors of employees at a medical clinic concerning customer demands. A patient is 15 minutes late for his or her appointment so e asked the patient to reschedule the appointment but instead, the patient refuses to leave the clinic until he or she was seen by a doctor. This is when behaviors have to change in order to meet the customer’s demands. There may be times, for instance, when the patient is not able to reschedule the appointment. To meet this customer’s needs, employees have to work even harder. F irst we try to make the customer feel as comfortable as possible until he or she is seen by the provider. We have to gain their satisfaction to go forward to improve our customer services. Second, we focus specifically on this customer. It is important to treat the customer as an individual person just as we want to be treated. One way that a medical clinic can work to improve customer demands is to have questionnaires available for the customers. When the questionnaires are reviewed the company will know what areas that they need to improve in and what areas they are doing well in. These questionnaires may very well lead the medical clinic to implement even more organizational behaviors if needed to increase customer satisfaction. Economy The economy has affected organizational behaviors in many American households. The following is a personal example from an American homemaker and student. My fiance is the bread winner in the household at one point and he was making enough money that I could sit at home and take care of the babies. But now, the economy is so bad that I am now trying to find a job so that we can make ends meet. His job as a correctional officer has stopped giving overtime to the employees. The bills are going up twice as much as they used to be and so now we do not have any extra money to have or to save. Conclusion In conclusion, the internal and external forces that impact the behaviors of an organization can have both a negative and a positive effect on the company itself as well as on the people within the company. These changes in behavior, or reactions from within an organization, are caused by forces such as the restructuring of a business, increased customer demands, technology, competition, or even from a fluctuation in the economy. Although internal forces are considered to be causes that people have either created or could have controlled, external forces are those in which people have no irect control. A business in comparison to people has many forces that can manipulate and form its common behavior and the organizational behaviors of the people within it. Organizations of every kind, from those that provide goods to those that provide services, still have to change continually and positively while searching for new ideas and opportunities to maintain a competitive advantage. This t eam’s belief ist; how a company reacts, how it manages, and how it adapts to changes, will determine its failure or success. References
Monday, July 29, 2019
Student Anaylsis on FritoLay's Dips Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Student Anaylsis on FritoLay's Dips - Essay Example Frito-Lay's capacity to realize this strategic objective is predicated on the company's ability to accurately identify the relevant strategic issues, understand the challenges to the realization of this goal, and analyze and evaluate its position. This report shall do just that, concluding with a set of recommendations. Frito Dips has been a major player in the salty snacks market with 33% market share. It is North America's largest and most popular snack food manufacturer, and controls a good third of the salty-snack market. Its position in the dips market, however, is unstable. This is largely because of the reputation of its competitors, which include Borden and Kraft, not to mention several local companies who are also determinedly trying to capitalize on the popularity of cheese dips' market. The fact is that the reputation of both Borden and Kraft in the cheese dip market function as an immediate obstacle to Frito-Lay's capacity to realize its strategic objective vis--vis the cheese dips' market. Considering Frito-Lay's supremacy in the salty snacks market and its status as an untested brand in the cheese dips market, several questions impose themselves upon us. As the company has enjoyed a solid profitability base, the question that now arises is how to sustain profit levels in the dips category The major problem lies in how to develop Frito Lays dips and capitalize on the new shelf stable sour cream based dip to maintain the high growth rates the company has achieved in recent years. Would the best future strategy be to pursue an aggressive promotion in the market for the chip-dip category which appears to be reaching saturation levels or develop the vegetable-dip category, which requires the development of new modes of marketing and entry into a hitherto unfamiliar market Indeed, the question is whether or not entry into segments of the snack food market where Frito-Lay does not have the consumer-base its competitors do and which already appear to be highly saturated is w ise. If there are profits to be accrued and a market segment to be capitalized upon, should Frito-Lay, Inc. seek entry into the cheese or the vegetable dips' markets Answers shall be provided in the form of recommendations, following a critical evaluative analysis of the market and Frito-Lay's position therein. Analysis and evaluation: The popularity of dips in general, as accompaniments to snacks and vegetables has grown in recent years. The vast majority of sales, however, estimated at 80%, occur through supermarket outlets, in addition to which, 45% of available dips are of the shelf stable variety. Out of the total $650 million in annual sales for all types and kinds of dips, the latter accounts for $185 million. Two-thirds of the available dips are the prepared, ready-to-serve, variety while the remainder is comprised of different kinds of dip mixes to be prepared at home. Sour cream based dips are most popular, accounting for 50% of total sales. The popularity of Mexican foods
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Human beings' activity with global warming Essay
Human beings' activity with global warming - Essay Example The most notable of all greenhouse gases is carbon dioxide, which has the capability to continue being in the atmosphere for a lengthy time span. It is a scientifically proven fact that this gas could bring about a noteworthy rise in the temperature. At this point, it is but obvious to raise the question â€Å"No doubt, carbon dioxide is a very potent gas; but how are human beings responsible for rise in the levels of this gas?†The subsequent paragraph would be attempting to answer this. (1) Human beings, purely for furthering their own interests, have brought about a drastic rise in the levels at which fossil fuels are combusted. This has been for the purposes of generating electricity, heating, transportation and cement manufacturing, among many others. It is being estimated that, on account of all these activities, the annual carbon dioxide emissions are approximately 22 billion tons, on a global basis. Almost as a direct result of that, the atmospheric concentration of ca rbon dioxide has risen by roughly thirty percent. As a matter of fact, these facts are more than sufficient to convince even the most skeptical that it is nothing other than human activity predominantly responsible for heightened global warming. (1) Scientists have estimated that during the course of the last century, there has been a rise in temperature of surface of Earth to the extent of one degree Fahrenheit. The fact has been highlighted that in this very duration there is also a 25 percent increase in the carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere. It has been mentioned earlier in the write-up that the enhanced levels of carbon dioxide are chiefly attributable to various human activities. Extensive studies aimed at understanding the link between the above rise in temperature and increase in carbon dioxide concentration came out with a key observation: human activity is mainly responsible for the scenario where the Planet has become warmer. (2) Simultaneously, the scientist s also suggested that even some natural parameters could have played a role in global warming. In fact, with regard to the pattern of global warming, the scientists have divided the previous century into two halves. They state that, when the warming of the first half is taken into account, the natural factors must have been primarily responsible for the advent of the phenomenon. This is because; in that particular phase, various human activities resulting in carbon dioxide emissions were on the lower side. But when the second half of the century (1900-2000) is considered, it is but obvious that human beings are the chief contributors to the rise in global warming. In this period, the diverse commercial pursuits of people have led to an alarming rise in the levels of carbon dioxide emissions, and this is a fact beyond any dispute. So, it can safely be inferred that the natural parameters did not have a major role in global warming, with regard to the second part (of the century). (3) The following are some of the activities that have led to the advent of a scenario where, there is a disturbing rise in the greenhouse emissions: various agricultural practices,
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Phoenician Purple Dye Industry Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Phoenician Purple Dye Industry - Term Paper Example Phoenician culture and their origin is the primary source of conflict. Some believe that the origin dates back to 2nd or 3rd millennium B.C., while others attribute early Iron Age (around 1200 B.C.) as Phoenician origin. Uncertainties about their name probably led to the uncertainties about their origin as well. There are instances when references for the Phoinikes for people and Phoinike for region were identified in as far back as Homeric times. There is a definite association between these terms and common noun phoinix, which refers to â€Å"purple-red†and stems from traditional Phoenician purple dying industry. There is a possibility that the name was used earlier, may be occasionally, in the 2nd millennium B.C. in Mycenaean writings. It is because the feminine adjective po-ni-ki-ja meaning â€Å"red†that refers to a chariot was also used in Mycenaean time (Moscati 17). The concept of nationality or national unity was quite blurring among Phoenicians. Therefore, t here were no commonly established which distinguish the cities. In 3rd millennium B.C., the term â€Å"Canaanited†was used to refer people and â€Å"Canaan†to refer the region, but it refers to the whole Syro-Palestinian region. The term is also used to denote Phoenicians, in particular, in the Old Testament, and it reside on the Mediterranean areas. Later, Saint Augustine said that the peasants attributed themselves as Kena’ani while talking about the people of Africa. Ancient wedge-shaped text reveals that the word â€Å"Canaan†is also attributed with the idea of â€Å"purple-red†. However, the term â€Å"Canaanites†may hold a broader meaning than the term â€Å"Phoenician†. Undoubtedly, it refers to Phoenicians sometimes, however, it does not refer to them alone (Moscati 17).Furthermore, Moscati states that: It is quite different thing with another name â€Å"Sidonians,†which is actually too specific: both in Homer and in the Bible, it is used to denote the Phoenicians as a whole, but it seems obvious that this is because of the suzerainty at some time, in some place of the city from which the name derives, Sidon. In other words, it is an extended meaning, a linguistic phenomenon that once again emphasized the lack of unity awareness among the Phoenicians. (18) Phoenicians as Nation Around 1200 B.C., until the early days of Iron Age, Syro-Palestinian history does not distinguish centers on the coasts which constitute Phoenicia, from the centers in the interior. There was no substantial differentiation is made in coasts and hinterland. The language, religion, or craftsmanship was also not distinguished to a considerable extent. It refer to the Phoenicians who have Syrian civilization in the broader sense, therefore Syro-Palestinian is more common term rather than Phoenicians(Moscati 18).While talking about the reason of Phoenician isolation from the hinterland, Moscati states that: For the very rea son they were isolated and concentrated together along the coastline, the cities that we can now rightly call Phoenician strengthened the links among themselves and worked more closely together in  reciprocal affairs. Moreover, the closure of the hinterland, or the difficulty of expanding inland (we are obviously talking of commercial which was always typical of coastal cities) led to new paths being opened, paths towards the western Mediterranean. Thus
Friday, July 26, 2019
Compare and contrast aristotles and platos idea of the good Term Paper
Compare and contrast aristotles and platos idea of the good - Term Paper Example Thus, the ethics of Aristotle is associated with his idea of telos or purpose. And this purpose consists in the contemplative activity of the intelligence, that is, the true human Good. It is in this regard that for both Plato and Aristotle, the Good is not only characterized by ethics but also of epistemology, for the Good is always, for both of them, that which leads to true knowledge and wisdom. This paper will be divided into three main parts. The first part will discuss Plato’s Idea of the Good. Herein, a discussion of some of his dialogues will take place. Some of which are Laws, Gorgias, and The Republic. One the other hand, the second part will discuss Aristotle’s Idea of the Good. In doing so, two treatises on Aristotle’s ethics will be covered: Eudemian Ethics and the Ethics to Nichomachus. Finally, the third part will serve as the conclusion and final analysis of the matter. Herein, the author of this paper will show that despite the differences betwee n Plato and Aristotle’s doctrines and philosophical approaches, their Idea of the Good are both associated with the gradual improvement of the soul in search for intelligence, knowledge, truth, and wisdom. Plato: Wisdom, Truth and The Good The doctrine of Ideas constitutes the center of Platonic thought. For Plato, there are two orders of reality – one which is sensible and material; another which is immaterial and invisible, and which can only be grasped by the intellect. Plato had conceived of a multiplicity of Ideas: there were moral and aesthetic ideas, ideas of sensible realities, and ideas of artificial things: everything that existed had a corresponding idea. But there had to be an order or hierarchy among the Ideas, and a First from which all the other Ideas proceed. Thus, Plato gives order among the ideas in his Republic. In the Republic, Plato establishes a hierarchy among the Ideas, with the Idea of the Good as the unconditioned principle of the truth and be ing of the other ideas. He presents his doctrine with descriptive imagery: That which imparts truth to the known and the power of knowing to the knower is what I would have you term the idea of good, and this you will deem to be the cause of science, and of truth in so far the latter becomes the subject of knowledge†¦ so in this other sphere, science and truth may be deemed to be like the good, but not the good; the good has a place of honor yet higher†¦ the good may be said to be not only the author of knowledge to all things known†¦ (Plato, â€Å"The Republic†136). In relation to this is his philosophy of man, wherein he distinguishes between the body and the soul of man. For Plato, body and soul are not only different from each other but also opposed and irreconcilable. Our body is the tomb or prison of the soul (Reale and Catan 157). Human beings are thus deprived from true life for as long as he remains chained to the body since the essence of man is his soul. It is the body that gives rise to every conceivable (Word Count: 353) evil, i.e. to ignorance. Plato’s ethics looks, therefore, to freeing the soul from its bondage to the body. Moreover, courage and knowledge are often distinguished from pleasure and good: â€Å"The good are good by the presence of good, and the bad are bad by the presence of evil. And the brace and wise are good, and the cowardly and foolish are
The Hope Athena Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
The Hope Athena - Essay Example Although Athena was a Greek goddess, the Romans adopted her as one of their own, renaming her Minerva and adopting many of the legends regarding her and her abilities. Her importance to her new society can be seen in the intricate detail of the copyist to remain true to the Greek original. Athena was a very powerful Greek goddess who epitomized everything the Greeks admired, intellect, wisdom, strength, courage, strategy and more. â€Å"With a battle cry that resounded through the kingdom of heaven and earth, she springs from the head of Zeus. She is one of the most powerful forces on Mount Olympus, representing war and the immortal spirit of wisdom. Athena embodies the matriarchal goddess, a complex figure of internal strength and reflection. She is a powerful source of interpretation for the idea of the goddess as a balance between nature and humanity†(Ortengren, 1998). As a goddess of military strength and protection, she is often depicted in battle, such as in the scen es featured on the Parthenon, or ready for battle. The statue the Hope Athena is believed to be modeled after is believed to have once held a spear in her one hand and a Nike, â€Å"a winged personification of victory†, in the other (Lansberry, 2005). Experiencing the statue in person does little to solve the mystery of her handheld iconography. The details of what the Hope Athena might have held can only be conjecture as one of the first things noticed about her is the fact that she is missing her arms. The scars marking where they once were do suggest that one hand was held out in front of her, as if holding something in the palm of her hand, and one arm might have been stretched to the side somewhat, as it would have been if holding a long spear. There is another evident damage to the statue as well.
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Responsible tour operators are changing the way we travel to what Essay
Responsible tour operators are changing the way we travel to what extent can this be proved - Essay Example With the growing importance of the lifestyle market, tourism and travel create the desired lifestyle and personal enhancement rather than many other lifestyle products. Consequently, destination marketing organizations would have to reinvent themselves to create holiday experiences in relation to the changing requirements of customers. Thesis Statement: The purpose of this paper is to investigate the extent to which responsible tour operators are changing the way we travel. The Background to Tourists’ Orientation For Responsible Tourism Nearly twenty-five years ago, Krippendorf (1987) argued for responsible tourism, using the theory of Maslow’s pyramid of needs. He predicted that there would be an increase in â€Å"emancipated tourists†, who once their needs for physical sustenance through sleeping, eating and drinking were fulfilled in a recreational manner, they would seek emotional recreation by undertaking activities and experiences not available to them in e veryday life. Consequently, tourists would seek experiences of social contact with other people and â€Å"self realization through creative activities, knowledge and exploration†(Krippendorf 1999: 74). ... This trend is based on the larger shift in consumer preferences towards the purchase of green products which do not adversely affect the environment in their production processes, and ethically traded products based on fair trade practices and corporate social responsibility. Recent survey evidence (King 2002) confirms changes in consumer attitudes in the context of wider market trends towards more ethical consumerism in the United Kingdom. Campaigns undertaken by Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) and Tearfund helped to increase the orientation towards responsible and ethical tourism as a market segment. Responsible Tourism Responsible tourism involves a proactive approach by tourism industry partners to â€Å"developing, marketing and managing the tourism industry in a responsible manner so as to create a competitive advantage†(Pennington-Gray, Reisinger, Kim et al 2005: 266). Responsible tourism is a management strategy that includes planning, management, product development and marketing to bring about positive economic, social, cultural, and environmental effects. This type of tourism promotes responsibility to the environment through sustainable measures, as well as involving local communities in the tourism industry. Additionally, responsible tourism is focused on the safety and security of a visitor. Government agencies, employees of the tourism industry and those outside the industry, as well as members of the local communities together hold the responsibility. Besides environmental sustainability and the safety and security of visitors, other aspects include culturally responsible tourism which contributes to mutual understanding and respect
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Navy Insurance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Navy Insurance - Essay Example The recent rise in costs of operating marine trade and business through losses suffered through piracy has necessitated players in the industry of marine business to invest in the piracy insurance policies. According to UNCLOS (United Nations Convention on the law of the Sea), piracy is a multifaceted issue and takes cognition of all illegal act of detention violence as well as depredation that is directed towards ship or persons, or even cargo on board of the ship on the high seas. With the rise in piracy risks in the high seas, the emerging trend has been the insurance brokers offering marine insurance against piracy at very high premiums as compared to other risk premiums in the 21st century marine business. In particular, the premiums on offer depend on the routes of voyage, as the insurers are aware of the most affected regions by piracy such as the east African shores especially within the shoreline of Somali. Besides, the international community has invested notably in deployi ng military personnel to aid in restoring normalcy in the areas facing such challenges of piracy activity though this has had little effect in influencing the premiums concerning insurance against piracy. Nevertheless, an emerging trend reveals efforts by insurance companies to fund operations by specialized naval ships, which are specially designed and made to have the necessary equipments as well as machinery that would be used to escort cargo ships across the piracy risk prone areas at relatively minimal costs.
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Acute Pain in Children Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Acute Pain in Children - Essay Example The intervention made to health institution through the initiative international health bodies has led to the creation of the pediatric analgesic trails, which aim at providing evidence pain management in child across the ages. In practice, assessments methods for pain intensity are critical in treating children of different ages. Acute pain is one of the common ailments in childhood and one that requires emergency response. In this paper, we will discuss the RCN guidelines on response given to acute pain in children. Acute Pain Assessment Tools In the last decade, a number of assessment tools required for testing the pain for appropriate ages have enabled documentation and quantitative and qualitative assessment of pain. The assessment method for children across the ages have undergone various changes, where issues affecting the new born to those children that are talking can be addressed. Currently, assessment methods include behavioral measures of pain. In this measurement method, the pediatrician would use behavior checklists, which has a list of pain effects that a child would encounter. The list has scores, which the pediatrician would check before assigning a given pain. In the assessment checklist, issues such as time, response to pain among others influence the decision that the pediatrician would make against a given pain. ... The RCN guideline has nine key areas that health professionals should observe when assessing acute pain in children. The provision in the guideline indicates when pain should be accessed, indictors, what the health professionals should do, as well as the parents of the child. The RCN guideline sought to achieve three objectives; first, create awareness about symptoms, which helps in recognition of pain, second, recommend methods for pain assessment, lastly, promote use of method in pain assessment. While many nurses claim they know when children are in pain, the guideline for pain assessment intended to clarify how best the nurses should respond to children pain. In addition, it sets standards, which nurses should uphold while assessing pain. Since nurses did not have standards of assessment, it is arguable that cases of misinterpretation of pain existed. Prior to the creation of the RCN guideline on pain assessment, critics observed that nurses interpreted pain differently. It was a rgued that parent and nurse observation and interpretation of pain is different. Most of the available research on pain assessment indicates that observation was the most common method used in the assessment. Although the method proves to be worthy, the behavior observed might not be the degree of pain. Other consideration included emotional response to pain as observed by their parents. Thus, settling on an inclusive procedure acceptable by parents and nurses was critical at this stage. It is also notable that consideration of the preexisting literature and research on pain were adequately done before the recommendation of the guideline. Since the introduction of pain assessment scale, observation made on its application has
Monday, July 22, 2019
Cost Club Scenario Essay Example for Free
Cost Club Scenario Essay Introduction Every employee has fundamental rights in the workplace that include their right to privacy, fair compensation and free from discrimination. Even applicants have rights before they are hired as an employee. Some of those rights include discrimination that is based solely on a person’s race, gender, age, religion, national origin, or during the hiring process (FindLaw, 2014). Employee Privacy * Employees have the right to privacy with regards to their personal possessions * This includes their purses, handbags. Briefcases, lockers.* Employees have limited rights with respect to e-mail messages and internet usage while using Cost Clubs computer system * Employers do not have the right to conduct a credit checks or background checks on an employee or perspective employee without the express written permission of the employee (FindLaw, 2014). Employee Unions Under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), employers are forbidden from interfering in an employee’s right to organize, or to join or assist in a labor organization for collective bargaining purposes, or prohibit working together to improve terms and conditions of their place of employment. Union employer’s may not coerce their employees in exercising any of their rights such as (National Labor Relations Board, 2014): * It is illegal for an employer to threaten their employees with the loss of their jobs or benefits if they choose to join or vote for a union or participate in protected concerted activity. * Threaten employees with plant closure should their employees choose to have union representation. * Employers are not to question employees about their union activities or sympathies * Promise employees benefits in order to discourage union support * Punishing employees for engaging in union or protected concerted activity * Retaliating against an employee by transferring, laying off, terminating, assigning employees to more difficult work task or for filing an unfair labor practice charges or participating in an NLRB investigation (National Labor Relations Board, 2014). Occupational Safety and Health Administration Under the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (,OSHA) employers have a responsibility to their employees to provide a safe environment for their employees. Employers are responsible for providing their employees with a workplace free of serious hazards and must follow all OSHA safety and health standards as well as identify and correct any safety or health problems found. It is also the employer’s responsibility to (United States Department of Labor, 2014). * Keep employees informed about hazards through the offering of training, labeling, alarms, systems that are color coded, material safety data sheets that pertain to chemicals and other methods. * Employees are to be trained in a manner in which they can fully understand * Employers are to maintain accurate and complete records of any work-related injuries or illnesses that may occur in the workplace. * Employers are to post any citations, injuries and illness data where is it easily viewed by employees. * OSHA is to be notified by the employer within eight hours should there be a workplace fatality or when three or more workers have been injured or hospitalized due to an accident. * Display the official OSHA poster that describes the rights and responsibilities in plain view for employees to read per the OSHA Act (United States Department of Labor, 2014). Employee Retirement Income Security Act Compliance assistance under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) sets the minimum standards for retirement and health benefit plans in private industry. Although ERISA does not require an employer to provide a retirement plan or to provide benefits it only requires those who have established plans meet and follow a level of standards. ERISA covers retirement, health, and other welfare benefit plans. (United States Department of Labor, 2014): * Meet ERISA standards of conduct * Employers are to assure that the funds of the plan are protected and that participants who qualify will receive their benefits. * Employers are to include new health laws * Employers are to provide a continuation of health care coverage for an employee that due to certain events would result in a reduction ,in their benefits. * The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) amended ERISA to make health care coverage available for employees that have either been terminated or have quit (United States Department of Labor, 2014). Fair Labor Standards Act The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is responsible for setting and establishing a minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, and youth employment standards that affect employees in the private sector andFederal, State and local governments (United States Department of Labor, 2014). * The wage for covered nonexempt workers is $ 7.25 per hours * Overtime pay to be at the rate of one-half times their regular pay after a 40 hour workweek. * There is no limit to anyone 16 years or older to the amount of hours they may work. * FLSA does not require Cost Club to pay overtime for weekends, holidays for an employees, regular days off, unless overtime is typically worked on those days. * Employers are required to display the official poster of the FLSA. (United States Department of Labor, 2014). Conclusion In order to ensure and maintain a high moral level of employee behavior. Employees of Cost Club must fully understand the ethical and legal implications of their decisions. As they relate to their employees personal and professional values. This should be reflected at every level upper, and lower management included. Cost Club needs to develop and implement a Business Code of Ethics that can be reviewed with all employees at all Cost Club locations. By implementing a Business Code of Ethics, Cost Club will weave together not only the legal principles of employment, but the moral issues that commonly arise in employment issues. These ethical behaviors are vital to Cost Clubs overall success. The stakeholders of Cost Club are able to take direction from Cost Clubs, Business Code of Conduct. And when an ethical dilemma occurs the code will become one of the employee’s best tools for dealing with the dilemma. When Cost Club chooses to engage in employee monitoring, this practice will be posted and announced to all employees. Employees need to understand the laws and Cost Clubs corporations, policies along with the Business Code of Conduct. Cost Club also needs to exercise restraint in looking over their employees shoulders when it comes to use of the internet and email. (Mujtaba, 2014). When everyone understands all the ground rules then the workplace environment at Cost Club will be fair. If Cost Clubs employees are being ethical and following the policies he or she should not be concerned with monitoring and at the same time Cost Club should conduct their monitoring of employees within the guidelines of the law (Mujtaba, 2014). References FindLaw. (2014). Employee rights 101. Retrieved April 13, 2014, from Mujtaba, B. G. (2014). Ethical implications of employee monitoring: What leaders should consider. Retrieved April 13, 2014, from National Labor Relations Board. (2014). Employer/union rights and obligations. Retrieved April 13, 2014, from United States Department of Labor. (2014). Employee retirement income security act ERISA. Retrieved April 13, 2014, from United Stated Department of Labor. (2014). Employer rights and responsibilities following an OSHA inspection. Retrieved April 13, 2014, from United States Department of Labor. (2014). Wage and hour division. Retrieved April 13, 2014, fro m
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Key To Success For Implementation Of IMC
Key To Success For Implementation Of IMC The emergence of integrated marketing communications (IMC) has developed into one of the most significant example of growth and expansion in the marketing discipline (Kitchen, 2003). It has influenced acting and thinking among companies but also state owned companies, authorities and political parties, all facing the realities of rivalry in an open economy (Smith, 1996). Today, integrated communications has developed into an expansive discipline that links marketing to a number of other grounds, including corporate culture, corporate design, corporate communication and public relations (Christensen et al., 2008). IMC has received significant interest in both the practitioner and academic communities, since the beginning. The interest played to IMC is largely a purpose of its strong appeal which makes good sense. Its been more than a decade since the concept was first introduced but however most major businesses have yet to fully apply the ideas contained in the IMC. In fact Schultz, et. al. (1992) state that recognition of IMC has not been as rapid as they thought. The benefits of IMC that Smith et al. (1999) identified are the following: All of the market communications are controlled and managed by the IMC. IMC ensures that brand positioning, personality and messages are conveyed to each part of communication which are delivered from a single reliable strategy. It is said that Relationship Marketing strengthens a bond of devotion with consumers which can also protect them from the competition. It is a great advantage to keep a consumer for life. IMC can increase the sales by extending messages across numerous communication tools to generate more ways for consumers to be aware of the product and to make a purchase. IMC reduces duplication in photography and graphics as they can be shared in advertising and exhibitions. A single agency is used for all communications so the agency fee is reduced or even if many agencies are used, time is as meetings get all the agencies together for strategic planning or briefings. Thus, it decreases workload and stress levels. Successful IMC campaign needs to find the firm a correct mixture of promotional techniques and tools that define their tasks and the level to which they should be used, and manage their use appropriately. IMC helps in making the communications effective and efficient amongst companies through various concepts such as customer focus, customer empowerment, brand resonance, immersive marketing and emotional bonding. If correctly implemented, the IMC plan could collect data and implement response based on the previously gathered data. Marketing communications derived from the consumer need is able to build value into the service or product and divide it from the competition in the customers minds. BARRIERS TO IMC IMPLEMENTATION Marketers appear to be tired when it comes to modifying the change and investment in their approach to marketing communications. The discussion concerning what marketing communications can be predictable to accomplish has been going on for very long ( Ambler, 2000). In the middle of the rising identification that advertising; mostly in the grown markets mainly carries out a reminder purpose focused largely on protecting the existing market-share. Both the agencies and clients have challenges in generating and implementing the efficient communications agenda. All areas of the diverse marketing communication business carry on to face instability among the media, declining audience and the internet (Douglas, 2003). All this are making the companies reconsider the blend of marketing communication tools with consequences for the usual mass media which may not be capable to gather the wants of the 21st century customers and find their market shares wear down despite of the synergies occurr ing from tactical associations in the media business (Davis and Craft, 2000). Another concern is regarding the advertising practitioners where an occurrence of inside-out idea and practice overcomes (Kitchen and de Pelsmacker, 2004). There are various tactical subjects of concern in the broader discussion concerning the development of IMC along with the long term involvement to marketing practice and theory (Gould, 2000). Duncan (2005) advocated the tactical forecasting and examining of brand relationships is who as well said that priority ought to be given to their most important consumers. But, so far, there is very little proof of purchaser value being resolute by any segment of IMC (Garber and Dotson, 2002). In spite of huge investments, the relationship amongst the multiplicity of IMC and customers is not well understood. Though, observed evidence of the effects of mixtures of media, like print advertising and television (Jin, 2004) is rising. According to the consumer driven strategy, IMC is the main organization of all the brand contact points. Different levels exist, where such integration takes place. The different levels would be the following. Level 1 Tactical co-ordination Level 2 Redefining the scope of marketing communication Level 3 Application of IT Level 4 Strategic and Financial Integration Key to success for implementation of IMC IMC is a theory that must be implemented logically and simultaneously at all levels and functions of a corporation. Marketing functions and Public relations are not the only programs that are integrated which makes the company an example of IMC (Low, 2000). The key tip is to be careful of companies with strong marketing cultures, because topics like corporate reputation will take a back seat to the provincialism of brand management (Pettegrew, 2000). Functional and Structural issues must become a critical part of any effective IMC series. Of particular importance is beginning with a communication czar who will become the principles and evangelist of the IMC implementation attempt (Reid, 2005). Any IMC program must be personalized to the unique character of a particular organizational culture. For an IMC program to work successfully, it must reflect the distinctive culture in which it must function well. EXAMPLES: In spite of the demand, the IMC premise fails to take into account the way most companies are structured and functioned. Many corporations that are believed to be examples of IMC; fail to maintain the IMC principles on a company basis. The examples of Nike and Proctor Gamble will disclose that neither of these companies are functionally or structurally integrated public relations and employee communications with their marketing roles. NIKE Nike- the athletic footwear and attire manufacturer, has been cited as an example of IMC excellence and marketing. In a cover story from Fortune, (Hamel, 1997) states: Ask Nike- CEO Phil Knight what he likes to do best, and he does not falter a beat, he likes to break things. then in the 1980s, he turned his booming athletic shoe corporation into a marketing machine, saturating the airwaves with drastic commercials that highlighted emotion rather than the product. Schultz, et. al. (1992) publicized Nikes success in their IMC book: The thinking behind IMC is that every statement logo, price, promotion, label, distribution should be created to help convince the intention of the competitive advantage. Duncan and Caywood (1996) also include Nike among several companies that have been tremendously successful and based on observation, they are doing brilliant jobs of integrating their communication labors. Nikes breaking the marketing rules of the athletic footwear business which has come at a cost paid by its worldwide company reputation. Given these setbacks, one could argue that Phil Knights tactical wisdom for Nike is more alike to original advertising and horizontal integration than true IMC. There is a little proof that Nikes victory was achieved by the tactical management of all messages and media used by an organization to jointly influence its perceived brand value (Keegan, Moriarty Duncan, 1992). There are missteps that suggest Nikes marketing communications which may not be so ideal. For example, in 1997, Nike followed its patently bold and brash in your face marketing formula in an attempt to gain market share in an international soccer (Thurow, 1997). In Spain, an overwhelmingly Catholic nation, Nike introduced a commercial of Satan and his demons playing against a team of Nike endorsers. Spain refused to allow the commercial to air during primetime. Nike also placed an advertisement in Soccer American magazine saying: Europe, Asia and Latin America: Barricade your stadiums. Hide your trophies. Invest in some deodorant, as Asia and Latin America have been crushed. So will Europe. The world has been warned (Thurow, 1997). And finally, Nike ran an ad on British TV featuring a controversial French soccer player who detailed how spitting at a fan and insulting his coach had won him a Nike contract. Far from having an insight into the soccer market from the customers point of v iew and gaining ground against rival Adidas, Nike garnered a scathing editorial in the International Federation of Football Associations newsletter. Another recent evidence that says Nike is hardly the quintessential IMC company. Nike groped and allowed accusations of child-labor sweatshops in Asia that subcontract the manufacturing of Nike shoes to fester. In 1999, a team of journalists went to document the conditions for themselves, but Nike shut the factories. Prior to this series of incidents, widely published news stories detailed incidents in which poor children in the inner-city were robbing, stealing and seriously injuring peers to obtain expensive Nike shoes such as Air Jordans. Publicly Nike ignored these charges for years. Considering these two incidents, there was a genuine public relation crisis where any company engaged in lawful IMC could have anticipated before it became a crisis. Instead, Nike just kept on marketing until crisis overwhelmed it. Nikes power as an IMC example is, at best overstated. Harris (1998) argues: That master marketer of our times, Phil Knight, likes to point out that while an ad page in Sports Illustrated costs $150,000, no amount of money can buy the front cover where swoosh-bearing athletes appear with great frequency. The omnipresent swoosh has a 90 percent-plus awareness among consumers, enabling it to stand alone. Many seasoned public relations professionals are quick to admit that companies that live by extraordinary market exposure can also die by the same token. In a recent effort to distance itself from its public relations problems, Nike first tried to eliminate its swoosh from its marketing campaigns and replace it with a kinder-friendlier marketing approach that emphasizes fair labor practices, the global community and environment. PROCTER GAMBLE Procter Gamble (PG) is considered by academic scholars to be a world-class marketing company and is said to stand 6th in Fortunes Most Admired Companies 2010 list (Wikipedia). Similar to the Nike brand, PG possesses some of the most particular brands in the world like Tide detergent, Duncan Hines cake mix, Jiff peanut butter, Crest toothpaste and Cover Girl cosmetics. It also has dominant market share with many of its leading brands. Even though, PGs marketing command has a record of external internal communication mistakes suggestive of Nike. PG openly misused both the Rely Tampon crisis and allegations that their packaging sign recognized the companys satanic links. It was said that PG lost face openly and separated employees when it was exposed that the company had phone-tapped a few staffs they had assumed of revealing business information. This was followed by a job of dealing with some of the physiological effects of its new replacement, Olestra. Without bearing in mind the public comeback, they allowed their scientists to name the release of Olestra, anal leakage (Henkoff, 1996), raising an additional sign of public controversy. Recently, PG shot itself in the business reputational base again. The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) declared to the media that PG anticipated to meet its earnings forecast for the end of the quarter. Few weeks later, new CEO, Durk Jager was forced to declare to the same media that they had incorrectly over-estimated their periodical income and that the business would fall very short of its periodical earnings forecast. Over the following week, the companys stock fell sharply as financial markets and shareholders lost faith in the respected company. The Board of Directors of PG then fired Mr. Jager. New CEO, A.G. Lafley must now try to recover the market share and end the defections of many of the companys finest and brightest to the hi-tech industry. Regardless of Harris (1998) categorization to the opposite, these exemplars explain just how far away PG has been working from the essential IMC state of speaking to all stakeholders with a single voice (Schultz, et. Al., 1992). THE PROBLEM WITH IMPLEMENTING AT THE HIGHER LEVEL OF MANAGEMENT Nike and PG do a wonderful job with the marketing side of IMC without incorporating their employee and public relation functions, their company reputations have suffered. IMC theory has given a short shrift to the organizational barriers that often avoid companies from implementing IMC effectively. BARRIERS BETWEEN THE COMPANIES [NIKE AND PG] I have argued that two companies Nike and Procter Gamble, fall far short of the IMC model. Neither company has effectively integrated its many communication functions seamlessly. Both companies are very strong in terms of marketing, but they remain weak in employee communications, public relations or both. The question is, how do companies like these miss the IMC mark? The answer would be to a great level in their organizational structures. Both- Nike and PG are marketing organizations, organized around product marketing. PG demonstrates a brand management association where both staff and line functions are positioned within a companys various brands or products. While, PGs organizational structure has developed over the years, staff communication functions such as public relations and employee communications are organized around and directly support each brand or group of brands. Brands get the most resources and use huge internal influence. Beginning in June 1999, PG undertook a new organizational proposal that created a unit called Global Business Services providing a centralized staff support service across all of its Global Business Units (GBUs). Prior to this idea, each brand unit had its own communication staff functions with little company-wide centralization and control. While Nike uses another form of organization, its purpose and structure still highlight marketing its products and services. CEO- Phillip Knight is Nikes marketing chief and until its recent reputational woes, exemplified its bold approach to the market (Thurow, 1997). Most of the marketing decisions are made by the heads of these business units without the kind of teamwork and central planning required by IMC. Staff communication functions like investor relations, public affairs and human resources have traditionally played support roles. CONCLUSION The concept of IMC is a good one but it only exists at lower level management and not the higher level management and reasons for it are very clearly stated in the passage above.
Influential Thinkers In Enlightenment
Influential Thinkers In Enlightenment The most significant development in the 18th century was intellectual progress, known as the Enlightenment. It is a thought movement which gathered various conceptions of god, nature and human beings to a kind of world outlook. Many people approve it. The movement caused revolution changes in art, philosophy and politics. It also advocated reason, suspected church authorities and Feudalism. The ideas of the Enlightenment thinkers had a deeply impact on the European and the Euro-American societies. The most important factor of the Enlightenment was the scientific revolution. Between the 17th century and the 18th century, based on direct observation and mathematical reasoning, astronomers and physicists saw the earth and the universe in a new vision. Relying on observation and mathematics, scholars transformed the natural science in a process which is known as the scientific revolution. Some astronomers and mathematicians also made contribution to the revolution. Ptolemy wrote a book known as the Almagest that combined opinions about the universe. He thought that the earth was at its centre. However, in 1543, Nicolaus Copernicus published a treatise On the Revolution of the Heavenly Spheres that broke with Ptolemaic theory and argued that the sun stood at the centre of the universe. Kepler demonstrated that planetary orbits are elliptical. Gailleo who invented the telescope used it to view the universe. He popularized the idea that the universe is rational and subject to the laws of mathematics (Bentley, 2002). Another powerful figure was Isaac Newton who culminated the new approach to science. He combined mathematical modeling and scientific observation to derive his famous laws of motion and theory of universal gravitation. Newtons vision of the universe was so powerful and persuasive that its influence extended well beyond science. His work suggested that rational analysis of human behavior and institutions could lead to fresh insights about the human as well as the natural world (Bentley, 2002). Inspired and supported by three innovative astronomers, physicists and mathematicians. European and Euro-American thinkers started an ambitious project to transform all human thought. They abandoned Aristotelian philosophy, Christian religion, and other traditionally recognized authorities, and they began to analyze the world where they live in a rational way. Enlightenment thinkers sought to discover natural laws that governed human society. John Lock, the English philosopher, is the founder of empiricis. He sought to identify the principles of psychology and argued that all human knowledge comes from sense perceptions. He threw away Rene Descartess innate ideas and argued that experience offered spiritual conception to humans heart. He believed the world is consisted of material. His empiricism was continuously developed by later people and became the European main philosophy trend. In politics, he held constitutional monarchy and natural right which includes life, freedom and prop erty right. Between 1689 and 1690 he wrote the most important political treatises The Government. In the first treatise, he disproved Filmers idea that god conferred the monarch authority. In the second treatise, he advocated the rulers authorities should be agreed by the ruled and the only purpose of building country is protecting the security and peoples right. When the government went against the purpose, people have the right to take back the authority by taking action (John Locke, 2010). The Scottish philosopher Adam Smith devoted special thought to the nature of early capitalist society and the principles that made it work. In 1776 he published a lengthy book An inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, a wide-ranging work that uphold free, unregulated markets and capitalist corporation as the main factor of prosperity. The source of Smiths optimism about capitalism is his conviction that society as a whole benefits when individuals pursue their own economic interests and trade on a free market (Bentley, 2002). France , the center of the Enlightenment, produced many prominent intellectuals known as philosophes who advanced the cause of reason. For example, the French nobleman Charles Louis sought to establish a science of politics and discover principles that would promote political liberty in a prosperous and stable state. Different from philophers, philosophes addressed their works more to the educated public than to scholars. Instead of formal philosophical treatises, they mostly composed histories, novels, dramas, satires, and pamphlets on religious, moral, and political issues. The leader of the Enlightenment is Voltaire who is a philosophe, a writer and a philosopher. Voltaire championed individual freedom and attacked oppressive policies with encouraged witty remark and intense irony. He held nature right and thought that people are equal in nature and before the law. He also waged a long literary campaign against the Roman Catholic church, which he is in the charge of crazy, intolerance and incalculable human suffering. He considered that the church is a factor of oppression (Voltaire, 2010). As the earlier famous philosophe, Hobbes created machine materialism. He thought that the universe consisted of all the moving extension object. He tried hard to explain humans emotion and desire by the principle of mechanical motion. His moral thought includes natural rights and natural laws. The former one means that humans natural character is egoism. The latter means that humans reason rules morality. He disproved the idea that god confers the authority to rulers. He advocated absolute monarchy. He also considered that society had to follow the general will (Hobbes, 2010). As one of the representative of the Enlightenment, Rousseau is a radical who made the most fierce and severe criticize on French feudal society. His ideological essence and basic principle is sovereignty of the people. He considered that all rights belongs to people, government and officials are appointed by people, people have the right to appoint the government, people have the right to replace them, even have the right to revolt in order to abolish rulers who oppress people. He also thought that citizens should observe the law because it is free behaviour. In education, he proposed the idea return to nature that let childrens body freely develop (Rousseau, 2010). Although Enlightenment thinkers reached common ground on the excellence and the effect of humans reason, yet they hold different opinions on detailed issues in politics, religion, philosophy and so on. In politics, Locke, Rousseau, Voltaire and Hobbes all supported with natural rights. Locke and Hobbess nature rights includes life right, freedom right and property right, they thought that people have the right to gain legal property; however, Voltaire thought that the unequal property right can not be avoided and Hobbes thought that natural rights is egoism. Locke and Hobbes both objected to innate ideas and Voltaire and Rousseau both approved with innate ideas. Locke and Rousseau advocated revolutionary legitimacy. But Hobbes insisted on the opinion that people must obey if the ruler was conferred authority. Locke, Voltaire and Rousseau all advocated freedom and equality. Rousseau considered that the law is very important, people should accept it. Hobbes and Voltaire did not agree w ith division of power. Voltaire thought that rulers power came from the ruled, the only purpose of building country is protecting the security and peoples right, when the government went against the purpose, people have the right to take back the authority by taking action. But Locke advocated distribution of power. Locke, Rousseau and Hobbes all advocated social contract. Rousseau considered private ownership is the source of unequal state. In philosophy, Locke and Voltaire both admitted the idea that the world is consisted of material. Rousseau and Voltaire both considered that acknowledge rose from experience. Locke thought peoples heart was just like a paper and experience offered mind conception to it. Hobbes considered that material can not be separated from idea and material did not rely on our thought. In religion, Voltaire and Rousseau are both deist. Voltaire and Hobbes both disproved religion, they thought religion is requisite to maintain social order. The ideas of these Enlightenment thinkers made a lot of contribution to the community. What worth being mentioned is that their ideas not only exert great influence on the scholars, but also affect the European political world, including the most influential figures at that that time such as Napoleon and Queen Catherine. Influenced by the ideas of the Enlightenment, Napoleon who overthrew the Diretory and became a French military dictator created a united legal code for France. The code included that equal before the law, careers open to talent, free belief, protection of private property, abolition of feudalism and a secular state (Napoleon, 2010). Napoleon also valued education. As the most able Russian monarch, Catherine also influenced by the ideas of the Enlightenment. She encouraged nobles to travel in Western Europe and building school to educate aristocrats. She often communicated with some philosophes. She regarded herself as an enlightened despot. She limited the punishment s that the nobles inflicted on the serfs. She also abolished the death punishment. But when the thoughts challenged her rule, she began to object to it (Catherine, 2010). Although the ideas were not carried out completely to the end, it also shook some traditional thoughts. The impact of Enlightenment on human history should never be undervalued. It weakened the influence of organized religion. It also encouraged the replacement of Christian values, which had guided Europeans on religion and moral affairs for a very long time. Furthermore, it encouraged political and cultural leaders to rationally analyze the society and intervene actively in the Enlightenment matters for the interests that brought from promoting progress and prosperity. In many ways, the Enlightenment thought continues to influence European and Euro-American societies in the following centuries. Reference List Bentley Jerry H. (2002). Adam Smith on the capitalist market. Traditions Encounters. The McGraw-Hill companies. Retrieved May 22, 2010, from p657 Bentley Jerry H. (2002). The limits of westernization. Traditions Encounters. The McGraw-Hill companies. Retrieved May 22, 2010, from p786 Bentley Jerry H. (2002). Science and enlightenment. Traditions Encounters. The McGraw-Hill companies. Retrieved May 22, 2010, from pp658-662 Hobbes. (2010). Baike baidu. Retrieved May 22 2010, from http:// htm Locke, J. (2010). Baike baidu. Retrieved May 22, 2010, from http://baike. Napoleon. (2010). Baike baidu. Retrieved May 22, 2010, from Rousseau. (2010). Baike baidu. Retrieved May 22, 2010, from http;// com/view/6499.htm Voltaire. (2010). Baike baidu. Retrieved May 22, 2010, from
Saturday, July 20, 2019
How to Care for Aging Parents Essay -- sandwich generation, taking care
As a parent, you probably think about how to raise happy, well-adjusted children. Many books, articles, and journals describe ways to fulfill your child’s every need and want†¦but what about your parents? How much time do you spend thinking about the happiness of your aging parents and how much information have you seen about caring for aging parents? Are you Part of the Sandwich Generation? Are you a parent caring for your child while also caring for your own parent? Merriam Webster defines "Sandwich Generation" as a generation of people who are caring for their aging parents while supporting their own children.[1] Just how common is it for adults to be â€Å"sandwiched†between aging their parents and their kids? Chances are many people you know are or will be caring for an aging parent at some point in their lives. By 2030, there will be more than 72 million people over the age of 65 in the United States.[2] In 2012, 47% of adults aged 40 to 50s have a parent over 65 and they are either raising a young child or providing financial support to an adult child. One-in-seven middle-aged adults are financially supporting an aging parent and a child. Are you also providing another type of support? You're probably not alone. If you are caring for a parent, you most likely feel a tremendous duty to take care of and help make decisions about your aging parents’ health, finances, day-to-day functioning, and overall well-being. You are taking on a huge responsibility that you probably never imagined you would have. According to the Pew research center, â€Å"Adults who are part of the sandwich generation-that is, those who have a living parent age 65 or older and are either raising a child under age 18 or supporting a grown child- are pulled in... ...ell as grief & loss counseling. Her work with diverse populations has allowed her to understand and connect with people of all walks of life, which earned her the title of Life Transitions Specialist ® by her colleagues and patients. As part of her commitment to her community, Francine lectures and provides workshops throughout Los Angeles County on aging, caregiving, and other topics of interest to various organizations and clinics. Francine has also contributed to online publications including,, Forbes Woman, Next Avenue, Fox News, and When not wearing her clinical hat, Francine spends her free time with her husband and children. Click the image below to visit Francine’s site, L. A. Talk Therapy for information about individual counseling and consultations for families who need help navigating their parent's aging process.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Cabaret Essay -- essays research papers
'How do the cabaret songs and routines comment on the social issues which are the background for the story of Cabaret?' Satirical on every level, Bob Fosse's 1972 film Cabaret redefines the previously accepted genre of the musical. Using the songs and routines as cunning tools of social commentary the musical numbers both predict and interpret the world of Berlin in 1931. The opening routine, 'Wilkommen', is a powerful introduction to the opposing worlds of the protagonists Brian and Sally and also indicates the significance all songs in the Cabaret will be instilled with. As the camera moves from the distorted mirror to the grotesquely masked face of the Master of Ceremonies (Joel Grey) who claims, 'I am your host, wilkommen', the need to look below the 'beautiful' surface of both the cabaret and Berlin is established. As the opening progresses the MC welcomes in three languages, English, French and German, communicating from the outset that the satirical and political messages of the film are universal, but often in need of personal interpretation. It is obvious the the MC as a good host will meet all our needs and it is vital to note that it is with him that we establish our initial identification; the relationship with Brian (Michael York) is secondary even though he is the protagonist. Like the audience, the MC is an observer who seeks to critiqu e the world of Berlin. The initial establishment of the female protagonist, Sally Bowles (Liza Minnelli), is also undertake...
Fertility Drugs: Are they worth it? :: Pregnancy Reproduction Medical Essays
Fertility Drugs: Are they worth it? Over the past few years there seems to have been an increase in the amount of couples that have used fertility drugs and ended up having nine or more children. The couples' stories have been aired on the news, and when interviewed, many of the couples stated that they only wanted one child, but because one of the spouses was infertile, they were unable to get pregnant. At the advice of their doctor, the couple took fertility drugs, and the result was the rapid expansion of their family. The effectiveness of fertility drugs such as Clomiphene and Bromocriptine are overshadowed by their many, and often very harmful, side effects. Are infertility drugs worth the cost that possible side effects have? Causes and Solutions to Infertility Infertility affects 7.1 percent, or 2.8 million couples, of married people in the United States. It is difficult to assess the overall percentage of infertility that exists in the United States, as many individuals do not know that they are infertile until they attempt to have children. In addition, information on the web is confined to addressing infertility among married couples, thus this web paper discusses studies conducted among married couples. Less than a third of married couples seek help from their doctors, even though almost 90 percent of all cases of infertility have one or more causes than can be treated. Infertility's most common causes include egg quality/production, blocked tubes, and the male-factor. (1). Problems in egg quality/production are the result of poor egg quality, irregular ovulation or failure to ovulate because of hormonal deficiencies or imbalances. A fourth case is polycystic ovarian syndrome, which is a condition in which a hormonal imbalance prevents the egg-containing follicles on the ovaries from maturing and releasing an egg, instead forming sometimes painful ovarian cysts. These problems, especially deteriorating egg quality, are often age-related, and apply most often to women 37 and older. Possible solutions to poor egg quality/production include use of a donor egg, fertility drugs such as Clomiphene and Bromocriptine, and in vitro fertilization (IVF). (1). Blocked fallopian tubes are often the result of scar tissue, adhesions, and damaged tube ends (fibria). Another common cause is endometriosis, which is the growth of endometrial cells (the tissue that lines the uterus) outside the uterus, most often on the ovaries, Fallopian tubes, or the exterior of the uterus.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Finance Report ASOS ESSAY
With a rate much higher than the sis free rate of return (4%) investors are likely to invest in the company (risk Free Rate Of Return Definition I Investigated', 2003). Return on sales Return on sales (ROSS) stands at 8. 59% in 2008 and stays fairly consistent through to 2009. In 201 0 it increases marginally by 0. 68% to 9. 11%, however falls to 6. 30% by 2012. The target Return on sales is often around 10% dependent on the type of industry, so SASS falls below the target. However SASS have a high sales volume, which does not necessarily mean a low ROCK (France, 2013).The year preceding August 2013 they received 19,372 orders; a 43% increase on the previous year. (Sass ply. Results & reports, 2013) Gross Margin % The gross profit margin in 2008 showed a pleasing 46%; however between 2008-2011 there is a continuous downfall, with a decrease of 7. 23% over the 3 years. Although this increased by 12. 4% in 201 2, the 7. 23% fall in gross profit could potentially be catastrophic for a c ompany with low ROSS. However this could be due to a change in the price of raw materials or selling prices. (France, 201 3) Liquidity and gearing Sass' current ratio is always between 1. 5-1. 56:1. However they have not borrowed any money over the 5 year period, so carry a low risk to investors. Therefore even though they are not at the ideal ratio of , they have not borrowed any money; indicating they have good short-term financial strength (LetsLearnFinanceFinance in Simple Terms, 2011) Activity Debtor turnover began at 8 days in 2008, however made a vast improvement in 2009 falling to 2 days and then from 2010-2012 remained at 1 day. Creditor turnover days began at 68 days in 2012 which is fairly high, however this creased to 42 days in 2012.This suggests that SASS have good credit control and a low risk of bad debts as their debtor turnover is always at least 40 days less than their creditor days. (France, 201 3) Stock turnover has increased from 98 days to 121 days from 2008-2 012 and remains fairly consistent throughout. However due to the seasonal nature of the industry with fashions changing regularly, they should try to decrease their stock turnover days. Employee Ratios Sales per employee started at a commendable IEEE,477 and despite falling y EYE,801 between 2008-2012, increased to IEEE,835 by 2012.This totals El 27,358 increase in sales per employee over the 5 year period. Profit per employee remains consistent throughout, ranging between EYE,058-EYE,557; an exception being 2011 where it drops drastically to EYE,212. This correlates with the low profit margins and return on sales for the year. Growth ratios From 2008-2009 sales increased by 104% as they entered the market, most likely due to promotion. However the following year it dropped 69% and then increased a steady 1 1 % over the next two years.The operating profit was 100% after the first year and dropped dramatically to -22% in 2011 resulting in a loss. However this was recovered by 2012 wi th a 96% growth. To remain sustainable they must try and keep their growth rates consistent. Conclusion The company appears stable due to their good cash flow. They have a low risk to investors, with high potential returns. SASS have no gearing, which gives them the potential to expand in the future to remain competitive in such a tough industry. If they were to borrow this would also improve the company's current ratio.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man- in †the Moon Marigold
Dominik Laszczkowski 11/12/12 Test Essay In The feeling of Gamma rays on Man- in the corn liquor Marigold by Paul Zindel, Beatrice, the single produce of Tillie and condolence, has multiple internal and external conflicts which comprise barriers to living a normal lifespan. A single fret whose life has bypast awry, she copes with it throughself-hatred,cynicism, anddrug abuse, and by verbally (and at times physically) abusing her two daughters further she finds other ways to experience herself.There ar many internal conflicts reflected by character and inner issues, as well as external conflicts which inhibit her ability to mapping normally in society, including family dynamics and environmental factors. Beatrice faces many internal conflicts be form, first off, she is a crazy women She is completely nuts. In the written report Beatrice asks, Do you indigence me to chloroform that topic right this minute? ( 10) This shows her derangement because she wants to despat ch a rabbit that has non through much harm to her or anyone else.Eventually her insanity drives her to the max and she ends up killing the per rabbit. another(prenominal) problem Beatrice has is her life style, its not vigorous at all. She sustain herself with alcohol and cigarettes and by creating illusions. Creates an illusion to escape problems by inebriation but then having a boozing problem because she is always drinking. Because Beatrice was crazy and had a bad childhood she is know as Betty the Loon. In the fib Ruth says, Miss Hanley said her nickname employ to be Betty the Loon. ( 71) Thus e trulyone mobilizes her and how much of a weirdo she is.And Beatrice does not dedicate a swarm of nice to c clusterhes to cave in because of how poor they are so she never want to go out in public, or anywhere in general. non except does her internal conflicts cause problems, so does her external ones. Beatrice has many external conflicts that cause her a lot of trouble too. She is genuinely anti-social, stays mob a lot because she wants to hide from peck. Beatrice does not like world judged in anyway. In the story when squall at Tillie she says, I have no clothes, do you hear me? Id look well(p) like you up on the stage, monstrous little you (61) This shows how poor they area and that she knows that citizenry are going to laugh at her because of their poverty. Beatrice is also husband- less because he leave thus making it extremely tough organism a single mother as she needs to do everything herself. other external conflict is that she gets paid very little weekly and she needs to buzz off care of very old people, people that are almost-died. She struggles a lot to marque it through life. Beatrice has bad memories from her childhood which unagitated taunt her now in her life and she does not want people to remember her.Beatrice has dreams that she wishes to come true and uses them as illusions. She wants to cut into the closed shop tha t part of her home into a tea shop. Beatrice is also look into buying a real estate of the realm so that they can move into a new big home. In the story Beatrice says, Four- family house. Six and a half and half dozen and a half over quin and five. Eight garages. I could really do something with that. A nursing home ( 22) This shows her illusions by thinking about buying dearly-won stuff in the future, but she does not have that much money to support something like that because of her low paying put-on and poverty.Her routes of escape is drug abuse. She drinks a lot when there a problem she doesnt want to deal with and as well as smoke a lot of cigarettes too. As the plays main character, Beatrice is mainlynarcissistic andlethally short-tempered, which is only worsened by the drugs. However, her plight issympathetic, as her past reveals a life coil steadily downward, leading her toself-destruction. Thus being able to create illusions for herself she can sustain herself a l ittle and not have to face the problems for a little.
Monday, July 15, 2019
Ethical Decision Making by Individuals Essay
live supposed moldings of psyche honourable conclusion fashioning in organizations domicile itty-bitty or no vehemence on characteristics of the good production itself. This denomination (a) proposes an anesthetise- dependant upon(p) form containing a in the altogether dress circle of variables c all tolded virtuous volume (b) phylogeny concepts, surmise, and record derived more often than non from neighborly psychology, argues that incorrupt forcefulness influences all instalment of chaste ending devise and appearance (c) offers cardinal look for propositions, and (d) discusses implications of the surmise.Conclusions and Implications be hypothetic pretenses wee cut the act of characteristics of the clean loose itself on good termination reservation and port in organizations. interpreted at guinea pig value, these sticks advise that individuals go out make up ones mind and stand in the aforementioned(prenominal) vogue hee dless of the record of the incorrupt growth involved.An employee of a drug manufacturer would facial expression the disengage of a precarious drug by his or her tight with the uniform warning device (or neediness of alarm) that he or she absorbed the thievery of a fewer diskettes from the club provide console table by a let out half employee. The air-contingent model proposed here(predicate) explicitly rejects this view and suggests that the object lesson military posture of the get out itself has a burning(prenominal) achievement on chaste close devising and conduct at all coifs of the process. If this model is fix to fill verifiable support, the rill of separate models would be cardinally affected. unconditional for theme traits would get down an integral spark off of a meaty test of Trevinos (1986) psyche-situation interactionist model, for sheath the sexual congress richness of own(prenominal) factors and situational factors dexter ity quit considerably, from expose to yield. Similarly, growth charucteristics could vary the correspondence of teleological and deontological favors in the lesson military rank stage of move and Vitells (1986) public theory model of marketing ethics. by chance the more or less strategic electric potential continue of an falsifiable conclusion that honest conclusion qualification and behaviour argon vent contingent involves the pertinence of the models themselves. object lesson potency is judge to shrink from a major federal agency in the cognition of virtuous issues and, hence, in the true day of the month of deterrent example decision-making processes kinda of, or in accompaniment to, other(a) decision-making schemata. hardly stated, the dilate of chaste decision-making and style processes work unsuitable if the psyche does not sleep together that he or she is transaction with a clean-living issue. approaching models of ethical decisi on making should acknowledge several(prenominal) consideration of the effect of the example performers stroke to gain the deterrent example issue. good lastingness is too germane(predicate) to the full general pertinency of Kohlbergs (1976) theory of cognitive chaste development. If clean-living development is issue contingent, as this condition and round emergent experiential depict suggest, and then Kohlbergs theory would form to be comfortably revised, and untold of the look undercoat on it would take in to be reappraised. hereafter seek ground on his developmental theory would take to pick up for traits of the object lesson issues involved. From a interoperable baksheesh of view, issue incident is important to prescriptive judgments of good decisions and of the hoi polloi who make them. numerous of the elements of clean-living fervency (magnitude of consequences, prospect of effect, temporal immediacy, and slow-wittedness of effect) a tomic number 18 right off associate to judgments of the magnificence of incorrupt issues.If these elements of object lesson glitz atomic number 18 found to be positively cogitate to object lesson doings, it flush toilet be think that hatful loosely coif better when the honorable issue is important than they do when it is unimportant. unheeding of a persons views regarding the general moral var. of purchase order or its say decomposition in youthful years, he or she could comfortably be advance by the finding that mints surpass moral behavior is elysian by issues of demonstrable importance.
Sunday, July 14, 2019
Pareto Principle Essay
The confines Pareto article of faith washstand to a fault insinuate to Pareto efficiency. The Pareto tenet (to a fault cognise as the 8020 rule, the equity of the bouncy few, and the prescript of cistron sparsity) states that, for numerous events, most 80% of the personal outcomes travel along from 20% of the causes. rail line? concern adviser Joseph M. Juran suggested the commandment and named it later on Italian scotch expert Vilfredo Pareto, who notice in 1906 that 80% of the flat coat in Italy was have by 20% of the people he actual the formula by spy that 20% of the pea pods in his tend contained 80% of the peas.It is a cat valium rule of undulate in logical argument e. g. , 80% of your sales fill pop from 20% of your clients. Mathematic e truly(prenominal)y, where something is overlap among a sufficiently abundant strict of participants, there must be a tot up k betwixt 50 and one C such that k% is establishn by ( carbon ? k)% o f the parcipants. The shape k may depart from 50 (in the fountain of adjoin distri bution, i. e. , one C% of the common wealthiness gift concern shares) to well-nigh 100 (when a precise function of participants banknote for close all of the resource).thither is vigour especial(a) about the flesh 80% mathematically, but umpteen veridical systems get dget k somewhere rough this sphere of fair instability in dispersion. The Pareto rationale is sole(prenominal) tangentially link to Pareto efficiency, which was to a fault introduced by the same economist. Pareto develop both(prenominal) concepts in the background of the dissemination of income and wealth among the area. In economics The lord watching was in partnership with cosmos and wealth. Pareto detect that 80% of Italys sphere was owned by 20% of the population.He therefore carried out surveys on a conformation of former(a) countries and shew to his affect that a akin(predicate) dispersa l applied. collectable to the collection plate? immutable disposition of the strength legality relationship, the relationship applies also to subsets of the income range. rase if we scoop out the 10 wealthiest individuals in the knowledge base, we chat that the extend 3 (Warren Buffett, Carlos fragile Helu, and agitate Gates) own as more as the neighboring heptad regurgitate together.A map that gave the variation a very visible(a) and accessible form, the so? alled champagne crosspatch effect was contained in the 1992 fall in Nations developing weapons platform Report, which showed the distribution of globose income to be very uneven, with the richest 20% of the worlds population dogmatic 82. 7% of the worlds income. The Pareto principle has also been use to specify the turnout economic inequality in the fall in States to skill? bias skilful variegatei. e. , income offshoot accrues to those with the bringing up and skills unavoidable to take utility of refreshed engine room and globalization.
Saturday, July 13, 2019
Activity 7 - Establishing Integrity Research Paper
action at law 7 - Establishing uprightness - investigate penning casefuleal feeling of the player and the conventional factors influencing his or her earthments kindred long-established experience on a detail undefended ara. Conversely, statements confirm by the musician in receipt to a police detectives prompted fountainhead or note of capitulums state a to a greater extent run series of information. conservatively generated and undertake look for questions make on invention depict cathode-ray oscilloscope and counseling for the participants to state answers that atomic number 18 in spite of appearance the leaping of the map of the study. On that posterior, statements do in retort to a lookers prompted questions ar to a greater extent direct and more(prenominal)(prenominal) authorized in alone angles considering that they atomic number 18 ground on pore margin.2. Basicall(a)y, the rival would loosely dissimulation on the basis of th e seeability of the statements. Participants observations ar relatively random and positive in scope. At times, their statements on a accompaniment subject are consolidated with impudent issues which should not contract been include in the starting signal place. The strand moderateness for this is that thither is no grooming of confines that the participants give notice practice session to take to heart as foundations for their answers. Alternatively, responses that were self-contained by hypnotism concentrate questions on questions delivers statements which are sifted or sieve by in holy order to sate detail questions. The interviewer should regard the consistence of the colloquy since the interviewer formulate of the questions depend upon him (Turner, 2010). On the whole, in assembly and analyzing data, responses prompted by means of interview must(prenominal) be admitted primary more than undefiled observations.3. match to Kvale (1996), the supe rlative accusatory of conducting an interview, specially a research interview, is to earn the statements, responses do by the interviewees. Therefore, the question would be how shadower we ensure ourselves as interviewing researchers that we experience all the responses we self-possessed? former to cipher in your protest stimulation to a
Friday, July 12, 2019
Reaction essay of The Art of Lying By Gerald Torto
reply of The fraud of deceitfulness By Gerald Torto - probe subject hard-hitting fraud whitethorn be hampered by an stirred up consanguinity mingled with the prevaricator and those he/she knows because they hind end soft find behavioral changes when peerless is deceit.psychopath lairs much(prenominal)(prenominal) as politicians acquaint no transgression when fable and argon so suitable to urge others that they be cogent the truth. thither is similarly a co-relation surrounded by the equaliser of the face and the nontextual matter of lying with psychologists citing that fascinating bulk atomic number 18 intimately sure as unlike to unpresentable people. Children who breathe and fail remote with it suffer a expertness for lying thence beseeming diseased liars. peck with wretched self revere as well do general liars as they misinform facts to come out bankrupt than they actually are. It is very much nigh infeasible to discern liar s without the admirer of polygraph or card publish machines, merely joint indicators accept tenacious pauses epoch talking, indifference of enlarge such as label and places, intensifier nervus facialis expressions when
Thursday, July 11, 2019
Duvall & Hays Chapter 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Duvall & hay Chapter 5 - strive exerciseFor archetype is the phonograph record of Ecclesiastes wherein it says that conduct is nonsense(prenominal) in the initiative chapter. If unmatched would exactly look the word of honor and non the historical-cultural background, thither susceptibility be construe that liveliness is thusly nonsensical where in truth, it specifies that vivification is meaningless without God. or sowhat other utilisation is the parable of pricy Samaritan in natural Testament. The commentator would more than instruct it if the referee knows how insidious and a long take the air is capital of Israel to Jericho (Duvall and Hays, 2008). tidings offers a muddle of larn b arely both(prenominal) terms recondite in its voice communication that are just about of the fourth dimension establish on grey spoken language interchangeable Latin and Greek.In this clipping wherein multitude indispensability fast applications, it is scant(p) to short-circuit some hush-hush meanings of the rule book imputable to m availability. However, if providing some guidebooks or introductions to the record books would move on stack to evidence historical-cultural context of the scriptures (Duvall and Hays, 2008). Providing some mundane order of business would overly collect mass to ordinate time in reading material scripture because of brass instrument in
Wednesday, July 10, 2019
Way companies should handle customers and employees in a Essay
appearance companies should air off customers and employees in a multi heathenism surround - set ab pop drill port companies should bag customers and employees in a multi ethnicism milieu?The usance of the jump fall out is to protest alliance B on the lease to employ the best(p) practices for communicating in a multicultural environment. The objectives of the reckon argon implemented, this includes the beseech of the best practices and recommendations spanking for achieving supremacy in a multicultural environment. The conclusions be besides included, which articulation up make by the explore identify practices and recommendations merry for achieving achiever when dealing with divers(a) cultures.The globalisation date has altered the government agency companies carry out seam and convey cross government agencys divers(prenominal) cultures. The net and accredited engineering buzz off pave the way to crude market places, which enables compa nies to call forth their stemma in the human beings-wide or rude(a) geographical beas and cultures. The world demands merchandising experts who are capable of recognizing the ascension parley complexities cross shipway cultural borders. The intercultural converse is worthy radically square in the incumbent globalised world. This concerns in particular the companies outlet global or the companies carrying out international stock as salubrious as treatment customers from respective(a) cultural backgrounds. ontogenesis the ability to understand the ways of the competent communication with customers from vary cultural settings is imperative. This acquirement is impera
Tuesday, July 9, 2019
Privacy cloud Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
silence horde - denomination framework here(predicate) argon the live areas cover in the theme volunteer diminutive description of the engineering science stand out. call down who the bulls eye grocery for project and the creditworthy individuals for lying-in the project. The pia bequeath maintain the quest guideline. identify the reading conflate inside the establishments system. tell the manifold parties in the entropy flow, for exemplification whether in that location is a ordinal political party problematical. specifically put in who and who has entre to what learning. The generic questions imply beguile narrow down the efforts that the governing body has do to chit-chat with the involved stakeholders with the endeavor lay in their opinions, ideas and views regarding the potency retirement impacts. soil information colligate to who was consulted and the information provided and the findings yielded.Chen, D., & Zhao, H. (2012, March). entr opy security measures and cover security issues in smirch computing. In computing device skill and Electronics engine room (ICCSEE), 2012 planetary multitude on(Vol. 1, pp. 647-651).
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