Monday, September 30, 2019
Melanie Klein Essay
Melanie Klein is considered as one of the greatest psychoanalyst of her time even though she remains little known to American psychologists. Other women psychoanalysts including Anna Freud, Karen Horney, and Helene Deutsch are well known irrespective of the fact that the contribution of Melanie Klein to the field of psychology was by far greater than theirs (Donaldson, 2010). Melanie Klein major contribution to psychology was her distinct model which led to the development of a new school of psychoanalysis known as object relations theory. This school of thought places the relation of the mother and the infant at the core of its analysis in explaining personality development. She was born in Vienna Austria in the year 1882 in a middle class Jewish family. Melanie Klein was unable to complete her education due to family financial constrains and was forced to marry at a tender age. She is said to have suffered from depression and ‘nerves’ which was partly attributed to her domineering mother during her childhood. Melanie was able to resume her studies in psychoanalysis later in life (Grosskurth, 1986). This paper shall look at the life and achievements of Melanie Klein in the field of psychology. Early Years: Melanie Klein was born in the year 1882 to Dr. Moriz Reisez ad Libusa Deutsch. Melanie had closer relationship to her mother than her father. The father passed away when Melanie was just eighteen whereas the mother died in 1914 (Donaldson, 2010). In their family, religion was second fiddle though they maintained that they were atheists. Melanie never denied her Jewish roots and it is said that she never held those who denied their religiosity in high regard. She is also said to have encouraged parents to impart religious teachings to their children in accordance with their own beliefs (Grosskurth, 1986). Two of her siblings passed away when Melanie was still very young. Sidonie who was her second oldest sister passed away but she was very helpful to the young Melanie as she taught her how to read and write before she died whereas Emanuel, her only brother was also of great help to her. Emanuel was a talented pianist and writer and he taught Melanie in Greek and Latin. The knowledge she gained from her siblings was very helpful in her education and indeed aided her in passing entrance exams in the various schools that she attended (Segal, 1980). Melanie was engaged at a tender age of nineteen to Arthur Stephen Klein who was a friend to her brother. They were engaged for two years during which time Melanie was taking her studies in art and history at Vienna University. Melanie was not able to enroll for a medical study so as to follow her husband who was always on the move due to his business life. This meant that she could not graduate with an academic degree. In her career, most of her work was disregarded due to lack of authenticity in medical knowledge. Melanie was forced to keep moving with her husband and this made her lonely missing home very much. However, the birth of her first two children, Melitta in 1904 and Hans in 1907 made her somehow happy (Hergenhahn, 2001). Melanie’s life was greatly transformed in the year 1910 when her family moved to Budapest. In Budapest, she was able to know about the psychoanalytic work of Sigmund Freud on dreams. This experience changed her lifetime interest as psychoanalysis became her new field of interest. She began a course in psychoanalysis under the mentorship of Sandor Ferenczi. Ferenczi was encouraged by Melanie’s interest in psychoanalysis and urged her to psychoanalyze her children (Hergenhahn, 2001). In the year 1917, she met Freud during the meeting between the Hungarian and Austrian psychoanalysts’ societies. In 1919, she presented her paper entitled ‘The Development of a Child’ to the Hungarian Society and consequently asked to become a member of the Budapest society. In the same year, Melanie and her three children moved to Slovakia where they stayed with her in-laws as her husband had departed for Sweden. In the year 1922, the couple divorced (Segal, 1980). Melanie was introduced to Karl Abraham who encouraged her analysis of her own children. During this time she was able to join the Berlin Psychoanalytic Society. Karl Abraham on his part was developing the concept of death instincts by Freud in his own ways focusing on oral and anal sadistic impulses. These ideas were to influence Melanie in her work as seen in her in regard to children’s play. Following the death of Abraham in 1926, Melanie moved her base to London where she joined the British Psychoanalytic Society (Grosskurth, 1986). While in Berlin and after the influence from Karl Abraham, Melanie became dissatisfied with the views held by Ferenczi. However, it is worthy noting that both Ferenczi and Abraham influenced her work. She had received encouragement and learned the significance of the unconscious dynamics from Ferenczi. However, Ferenczi never practiced negative transference and on rare occasions did held neutral positions with his patients. To Melanie, Abraham gave the true picture of psychoanalysis. Though she borrowed the concept of introjections from Ferenczi, she still considered herself as an ardent follower of Abraham and Freud (Segal, 1980). Following the death of Karl Abraham in the year 1926, Melanie’s work was often criticized. Anna Freud had commenced her studies on children at around the same time and with their methodologies being uniquely different, the Berlin Society regarded Melanie’s work as unorthodoxy (Segal, 1980). Earlier on in 1925 during the presentation of her paper on the technique of child analysis in Salzburg, she had met Ernest Jones, who regarded her analysis as the future of psychoanalysis. She had been invited in give lectures on the subject in London and spent three weeks giving lectures in the house of Dr. Adrian Stephen. After a difficult time in Berlin, Melanie opted to move to England where she was readily accepted by the British Psychoanalytic Society. In England, she continued with her works on many areas in psychoanalysis which included the death instinct and the Oedipus complex (Hergenhahn, 2001). Melanie’s Contribution to Psychoanalysis: Melanie Klein is considered as the most influential psychoanalyst after Freud following her contributions to the field of psychoanalysis. She articulated the pre-history of childhood development whereby she outlined the chronology of events during childhood development as integration of the chaotic desiring world of the developing child and the reality of the world. Melanie considered the infant’s world to be threatened right away from the start by unbearable anxieties (Segal, 1980). To her, these anxieties emanated from the death instincts in the infant and were important ion the development of the child. These anxieties were overwhelming to the infant and the infant resorted to the defenses that would free him/her from these anxieties. The defenses employed by the infant included projection, denial, withdrawal, splitting, and omnipotent control. Through these, the infant is able to expel the threatening objects from inside the body and thereby preserving the good objects (Sayers, 1991). The most basic of these processes were the projection and the introjection which defined the infant’s maiden and primitive attempts to draw a line between him/her and the world among other things. At first the objects are those whose existence for the infant was determined by their functionality in the child’s view. However, upon maturation, the infant was able to ‘introject’ both the ‘bad’ and the ‘good’ objects (Sayers, 1991). Also it should be noted that through the process of progressive internalization, the fragmentary objects were internalized into the self and consequently became forerunners of the super-ego. According to Melanie, the progressive internalization which involved introjection, projection, and re-introjection was continuous and cyclic. This led to increasing â€Å"synthesis as the infant gradually attained greater degrees of reality testing, differentiation, and control over her own psyche†(Science. jrank. org, 2010, para 4). Melanie divided the pre-oedipal childhood development into ‘paranoid/schizoid’ and ‘depressive’ positions. The paranoid position was during the first months in the child’s life when the child was helpless. According to Melanie, deprivation, the experience of need, and frustration though came from the infant’s own body, were seen to be persecutory at this time and the child had to respond by expelling them outside the body. Earlier objects such as the breast were categorized as either bad or good depending on how they were perceived [nurturing or destructive]. In this way, the infant is believed to have been taking in (introjecting) or dispelling (projecting) objects in relation to their perceived safety or danger. The infant would take in and preserve the feelings in the external world regarded as ‘good’ while expelling the ‘bad’ ones (Sayers, 1991). The depressive position corresponded to the second 6 months of life and extended the trends that had been established during the first 6 months in life. Melanie argued that during this period the infant was capable of bridging the gap between the ‘good’ and ‘bad’ objects and also between his/her personal experiences of love and hate that created them. During this time the child is competent of ambivalence and that his/her awareness steadily expand to include not only internal feelings but also the external object world and the mother. The infants become aware of their own disparaging desires and attempts to inhibit these impulses due to fear of their destructive nature (Science. jrank. org, 2010,). The awareness of the aggressive tendencies towards the objects/mother and the efforts to inhibit these impulses makes the infant to be more tolerant for ambivalence which forms the basis for mediation between regarding the needed and loved object and the destructive impulses that would destroy the object. This leads to a relationship between the infant and the mother and other objects. Melanie looked at both the paranoid/schizoid and depressive positions as normal development phases towards achievement of a more mature object relation by the children. She believed that fixation in these positions was responsible for the future psychopathological development in children (Klein, 1984). Melanie considered the child’s efforts to engage in the binding and modification of the persecutory and depressive anxieties as the core struggle in the developmental process of the infants. This was seen as the chief forerunner to virtually all the mental development of the child. During this progressive process, the anxieties are â€Å"modified ‘structuralization’ increased, and the anxieties and impulses that gave rise to them were themselves diminished†(Science. jrank. org, 2010, para 9). To Melanie, all the defenses were directed in opposition to the anxieties and that the earliest defenses such as splitting were the basis of repression. Her theoretical framework of objects relations also identified the oedipal complex and the development of the super-ego during the earlier months in life (Klein, 1984). Her theory was able to attribute to the infants complex emotions much earlier than was acceptable in Freudian analysis. Her ideas about schizoid defense mechanism in particular brought about a controversial debate within the British Psychoanalytic Society to determine whether ‘Kleinianism’ [referring to her thoughts] was truly psychoanalysis or not. Compromise was arrived at to allow the teaching of the two schools of thoughts as Kleinianism and Freudianism. Melanie Klein was therefore the first ever psychoanalyst to challenge Freud’s take on the psychoanalytic development and still remained in the psychoanalytic society (Donaldson, 2010). Conclusion: Melanie Klein’s contribution to the field of psychoanalysis can not be ignored. Perhaps she can be considered as the greatest female psychoanalyst of all times considering that she brought in a new dimension to the psychoanalytic studies through the object relations theory. She ventured in a unique study which involved the study of her very own children at a time when no one had conducted such a study. Though she had no medical background in a medical field, her zeal and interest in psychoanalysis were the drive to her achievement in the new field. She was determined to pursue her unique model of the psychoanalytic study even when many orthodox Freudians would not support her views. Melanie shall remain to be one of the greatest psychoanalytic that ever graced the field of psychoanalysis. Reference: Donaldson, G. , (2010). Melanie Klein, Psychoanalyst (1882-1960). Retrieved on 6th July 2010 from; http://www. psych. yorku. ca/femhop/Melanie%20Klein. htm Grosskurth, P. (1986). Melanie Klein: Her world and her work. New York: Knopf. Hergenhahn, B. R. (2001). An Introduction to the History of Psychology. California: Wadsworth Klein, M. (1984). The psycho-analysis of children (A. Strachey, Trans. ). R. Money-Kyrle (Ed. ), â€Å"The writings of Melanie Klein†(Vol. 2). New York: Free Press Sayers, J. (1991). Mothers of psychoanalysis. New York: W. W. Norton & Company. Science. jrank. org, (2010). Psychoanalysis – Melanie Klein and Object Relations. Retrieved on 6th July 2010 from; http://science. jrank. org/pages/10906/Psychoanalysis-Melanie-Klein-Object-Relations. html Segal, H. (1980). Melanie Klein. New York: The Viking Press.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Racial profiling Essay
Imagine driving home from school to go put on your uniform to go to work. You are driving the posted speed limit, obeying all traffic laws, and you car is in perfect working condition. All of a sudden, flashing red and blue lights behind you and you’re being pulled over. The officer treats you as a suspect right off the bat, smothering you with questions concerning what you’re doing, where you’re going; yet never really telling you why you’ve been pulled over. Without any warranted reason the officer wants to search your car. After much hassle you are finally free to go, yet still have no explanation as to why you were pulled over to begin with. Well that happened to me one year ago after being pulled over three hours earlier. Later on i learned that there were a Mercedes Benz that was stolen in the neighborhood, and i was a black women driving a Mercedes Benz fitting the description of the one that were being stolen. But there were other Mercedes car in t he street that day. Why didn’t he stooped them. Guess what the officer was a white man, this prove that i was subject to racial profiling. Still today many people don’t know the definition of racial profiling. What does it means? According to Kenneth Jost, author of the â€Å"racial profiling ;Are minority unfairly targeted by police†stated that Racial Profiling is any police or private security practice in which a person is treated as a suspect because of his or her race, ethnicity, nationality or religion. This occurs when police investigate, stop, frisk, search or use force against a person based on such characteristics instead of evidence of a person’s criminal behavior. It often involves the stopping and searching of people of color for traffic violations, known as â€Å"DWB†or â€Å"driving while black or brown.†Is racial profiling helps or huts community/America? In my opinion i think that racial profiling is a detriment to our soc iety, because it is a form of discrimination, it is unconstitutional, and its violates humans right. Should there be something done to stop this growing madness? Racial Discrimination is a serious problem in the world today. Race remains a significant social issue because people use racial differences as the basis for discrimination. Racism is a clear reality in our society, and it is continues to shatter and destroy lives. Racial discrimination is an ongoing human judgment that U.S. citizens can’t really stop. Let’s take a look at one example on how racism is a problem â€Å"New York City college student Trayon Christian, 19, filed a civil rights suit against Barneys after he was stopped, handcuffed and taken to a police station after buying a $349 belt at the upscale department store.†Why did that happen ,well because he was black. The life chances and opportunities of people of color in the United States are limited as compared to whites. The legacy of historic discrimination continues to weigh on the present; and current day discrimination persists throughout American life in access to healthcare, educational serv ices, employment opportunities, wage levels, capital, the criminal justice system, and media employment. Racism, is difference plus power. All forms of racism suppose,on Paul Bou-Habib’s conception,author of the†Racial profiling and background injustice†say that â€Å"the differences between races mean that they cannot coexist in one society on terms of equality. This information is important because it allows us to further understand the history of racial discrimination. In the United States Bill of Rights, the Fourth Amendment is â€Å"the right of the people to be secure in their houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized,†( Saeed). Racial profiling is a clear violation of the bills of rights in the United States citizens. New measures must be taken in conjunction with current measures to curb racial profiling. A strict federal program to monitor and survey our nation’s police officers is needed. The public also needs to become more involved in efforts to stop racial profiling. Until these measures are taken, racial profiling will continue to eat away at the heart of our nation. Being frisked, arrested, or incarcerated is often a humiliating and degrading process in violates human rights. Many police officers have also been known to abuse their authority. Take for instance. In 2009, police in Detroit, Michigan, conducted a stop and- frisk of Elvis Ware. While in a public parking lot, one officer shoved his bare hand down Ware’s pants and squeezed his genitals and then attempted to stick a bare finger into Ware’s anus. Other young men of African descent report that the same two officers who stopped Ware conducted similar outrageous and inappropriate searches on them without warrants, probable cause, or reasonable suspicion.’ Such â€Å"encounters can result in negative behavioral changes†(Jost). Minorities, even those who are innocent, may feel pressured to dress in a particular way to avoid drawing attention to themselves, or to stop traveling certain routes in order to avoid interacting with the police. Additionally, exposure to racial profiling may be psychological detrimental, possibly resulting in lowered self-confidence and dignity. Based on these, as well as others, it can be effectively argued that racial profiling is not, in and of itself, an unethical practice. However, it must be used in a precise manner in order to be morally sound. This method includes using it as a tool in the investigative process and not before it has been determined that a crime has been committed. It must also be used in a specific way: to describe an individual suspect and not a group of people who are suspected of possibly committing one crime or another. The witness’s background and bias must be taken into account, and racial profiling must be done equally and without favor to one racial group. After these steps are taken into account, racial profiling cannot be considered â€Å"unethical†(Saeed). WORKS CITED Bou-Habib, Paul. â€Å"Racial Profiling And Background Injustice.†Journal Of Ethics 15.1/2 (2011): 33-46. Academic Search Premier. Web. 1 Dec. 2013. Jost, Kenneth. â€Å"CQ Researcher.†CQ Researcher. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Dec. 2013. Shabazz, Saeed. â€Å"U.S. Supreme Court says no to new hearing for Mumia Abu-Jamal.†New York Amsterdam News 09 Apr. 2009: 4. Academic Search Premier. Web. 1 Dec. 2013.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
How to Write the Wake Forest University Essays 2018-2019
Situated in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Wake Forest is one of the premier liberal arts universities in the nation. Known for its small classes and faculty engagement, Wake Forest values an education of the entire person. With an undergraduate enrollment just over 5,000 and a strong sense of school pride, Wake Forest fosters a tight-knit community. The university maintains accomplished programs in the social sciences, business, and a variety of other fields. Wake Forest also holds a unique status as a prestigious liberal arts school with a robust research focus. Maintaining an acceptance rate of only 29% and median ACT scores of 28-32, Wake Forest’s admissions process is competitive. But beyond test scores and grades, Wake Forest also emphasizes essays. With this comprehensive guide, we will provide you with all the tools necessary to tackle the Wake Forest application essays. 1. What piques your curiosity? (75-150 words) 2. Discuss the work of fiction which has helped you most to understand the complexities of the world. (100-300 words) 3. Identify a cultural norm or current political reality with which you disagree. How have you sought or might you seek to change it? (75-100 words) 4. Describe an instance in which you observed or exhibited â€Å"character.†(75-150 words) 5. Pro Humanitate, which means â€Å"for humanity,†is Wake Forest’s motto. If you had a personal motto, what would it be? (100 characters) 6. Kendrick Lamar won the 2018 Pulitzer Prize for Music, becoming the first non-classical or jazz musician to win the award. Whom do you believe will be the next person to break boundaries in artistic, scientific or literary accomplishment? (150 words) 7. List five books that you have read that intrigued you. Include a brief letter asking to be considered for the Farr Scholarship, describing how you became interested in entrepreneurship and how you plan to continue these interests at Wake Forest. What piques your curiosity?  (75-150 words) Like many supplemental questions, this prompt is designed to help give the admissions officers a more holistic view of you.  Your response to this question can truly be anything that fascinates you!  Consider writing about an interest, activity, hobby, idea, philosophical concept, piece of art, or something entirely different.  Admissions officers aren’t looking for a specific answer but rather that you can thoughtfully and excitedly discuss a topic of your choice. Below are some questions to get you started on thinking of a subject to write about: Ensure that you don’t spend the entire time explaining simply what piques your curiosity.  Rather, consider why it piques your interest and how this has impacted you or contributed to your understanding of the world.  So, instead of simply describing your interest in vinyl records, dive into how you love poring through stores to find exciting new pieces of music and how this interest has brought you new friends and helped you to expand your musical horizons. You can also take this essay as an opportunity to discuss something that is truly meaningful to you.  For instance, a student who is fascinated by Latin American culture could discuss her interest in the Carnival celebrations of Brazil and how learning about these celebrations have helped her to connect with her Brazilian roots. Alternatively, a student could use this essay as an opportunity to discuss his favorite hobby.  For example, a student who loves to collect coins could discuss how the sheer volume of coins produced fascinates him and that coins have helped him to develop a deeper understanding of the financial underpinnings of America. Whatever you choose to discuss, make sure to explain why it interests you and how it contributes to your identity or knowledge of the nuances of the world. Discuss the work of fiction which has helped you most to understand the complexities of the world. (100-300 words) If you love reading fiction on your own, this question will likely be a breeze as you can think of endless books that have helped you to understand the complexities of the world. However, if you don’t spend as much time reading on your own, this question could be a bit more difficult. If possible, try to avoid choosing a book that was required reading for class. Many other students are likely going to choose literary classics such as To Kill a Mockingbird or The Scarlet Letter . But, if nothing else comes to mind, don’t be discouraged if you have to pick a book that was required reading for class. Consider that one thing admissions officers look for in this essay is your ability to synthesize abstract information and bring this conceptual understanding to real-world issues. With this in mind, let’s consider the main steps to rocking this essay: An example of the above would be writing about Toni Morrison’s Song of Solomon . You could describe how the main character’s struggle to find an identity forced you to consider your own role within your culture and the world at large. That is, this work of fiction prompted you to strive to connect with your family in a new way. Another example would be discussing how, through reading Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi, you came to a deeper understanding of the incredible nuances of racial identity. The key here is not to simply discuss the book in depth (SparkNotes exists if an admissions officer wanted a summary), but rather to delve into how the book has influenced your world perception. If you are struggling to find an appropriate book, keep in mind that the prompt only asks for a work of fiction, meaning that other possibilities such as TV shows or movies could make for strong essays. â€Å"Cultural Norm/Political Reality†Essay Identify a cultural norm or current political reality with which you disagree. How have you sought or might you seek to change it? (75-100 words) Don’t be afraid of this prompt if you aren’t an avid social activist. Keep in mind when choosing a subject that cultural norms are any form of attitude or behavior that are deemed normal by society. Although this question lends itself well to someone who is passionate about political issues, a great response is still possible if you aren’t fascinated by politics. With this essay, Wake Forest is trying to assess whether you can think critically about social and political issues. No matter what you choose to write about, the best essay will come from you truly being animated about your subject. A powerful essay could stem from a student’s frustration with the current political gridlock resulting from a lack of honest communication between the two parties. In response, the student could describe how she started hosting an open space weekly where individuals of all political backgrounds could come to discuss important local issues in a supportive environment. Alternatively, you could discuss how you disagreed with the cliquish nature of your high school and fought against it by promoting school-wide events that everyone would enjoy. The space here is rather short so try to spend more time discussing why you disagree with something and what you’ve done to change this rather than describing the problem. Admissions officers want to hear about you, so do your best to provide a personal story. For instance, a student could discuss his personal experience of deleting social media in response to an internal dislike of how social media has begun to trump actual social interaction. One last word of caution: keep in mind that you may want to avoid extremely controversial topics that people have a very visceral reaction to, such as abortion. If you do choose to approach such a subject, take care to approach it tactfully. Describe an instance in which you observed or exhibited â€Å"character.†(75-150 words) With this prompt, there are two main pathways through which you can formulate your answer. You can either describe an example of how you personally have exhibited character or depict an event where you observed character from someone else. I will describe how to approach the two possibilities independently of each other. Since the prompt ambiguously uses the term â€Å"character,†feel free to define â€Å"character†in whatever manner you like within reason. Great responses to these questions are often centered around a story and use that story to define the elusive term of â€Å"character.†This essay provides a perfect opportunity to highlight a time where you showed integrity. Your response truly gains meaning when discussing how you overcame a strong temptation to showcase character. To illustrate, a cross country runner could describe her experience watching the runner ahead of her cutting a corner to extend a lead and feeling intense pressure to do the same in order to catch her opponent. But, due to a sense of righteousness, the runner decides not to cut the same corner and ends up losing the race by half a step. This essay would excel because it delves into the nuances of exhibiting character and tells us a great deal about the runner’s values. Just as important as describing the event is discussing what you learned from the experience. For instance, the runner from above could describe how losing that race showed her that maintaining character in a difficult situation like that can be the toughest, but most rewarding, decision that you can make. Striking a balance between what happened and what it taught you is vitally important as is tying your experience back to the idea of character. Keep in mind that you don’t have to personally know the person that you observed exhibiting character. As long as you know the story and can relate how it impacted you, the event can make for an effective essay. Even though the subject of the essay may be someone else, admissions officers still want to hear about you. For example, a great essay could stem from a student observing a local community leader start a project to provide additional housing to help shelter the homeless population. This student could describe how the community leader’s character inspired him to give back to his community by volunteering at this new homeless shelter every week. Observing character can also come from a more personal level.  For instance, if your mom embodies the ideal of living with character, feel free to discuss this. A powerful essay could describe how your mom’s relentless self-sacrifice of working full-time while heading back to school all in order to provide for your future has inspired you to seek a career in education where you can similarly inspire and empower youth. Pro Humanitate, which means â€Å"for humanity,†is Wake Forest’s motto. If you had a personal motto, what would it be? (100 characters) The most simplistic definition is that a motto is a short phrase by which you live your life. The most important thing here is that the motto that you choose is true to who you are. I can’t say this enough: Avoid anything cliche! Things like â€Å"be the change that you want to see in the world†or â€Å"work hard†are great ways to live your life but not so good for this prompt. Admissions readers will have read those same lines hundreds of times and are itching to read a motto with some personal flair. When choosing a motto, consider what you care about most. Wake Forest rewards students who are reflective in their responses, so take some time to think this one through. Some questions to ask yourself when trying to think of a motto: Students always find this one a little tough so I’ve put some examples below. This is also a chance to take a risk, show your quirky side, or make a clever pun.  Creativity here is greatly appreciated by admissions officers.  Keep in mind that this is an open-ended question, so don’t feel limited in any way by the options below: If there is a certain famous quote or motto that you believe truly does represent you better than anything else, then feel free to use it. Extra tip: You are likely going to have an epiphany and figure out an awesome answer to this one when you least expect it, so give yourself some time! Kendrick Lamar won the 2018 Pulitzer Prize for Music, becoming the first non-classical or jazz musician to win the award. Whom do you believe will be the next person to break boundaries in artistic, scientific or literary accomplishment? (150 words) With this essay, Wake Forest really wants to learn more about what truly interests you. The following advice might seem strange, but it’s not as important who you choose. Rather, it’s more important why you chose him or her and how that choice reflects upon you and your interests. Let’s take a quick second to piece together some things you should think about when choosing who to write about: Although the person can certainly be someone that you know, take care to showcase that this person truly has a chance to break boundaries in their respective field. A great example of someone breaking the boundaries of scientific accomplishment is Andrew Ng. A student could discuss how Ng’s work at Stanford to revolutionize healthcare through the application of artificial intelligence to medicine fascinates him as this provides for vast potential for increases in efficiency. The student could then proceed to describe how Ng’s work has inspired him to explore this relatively uncharted field of computer science and healthcare. Once you have someone to write about, ensure that you also leave space for discussion about the impact that this individual has had on you. At the end of the day, the admissions officers care a lot less about this individual and a lot more about that individual’s impact on you. This essay provides the perfect opportunity for you to really discuss your interest in a specific field and show how it has influenced you.  List five books that you have read that intrigued you. Since the prompt also provides you with the option to list whether or not the book was required reading, try if at all possible to provide three or more books which weren’t required reading for your classes.  The books that you read that weren’t required for class showcase a desire to learn and give a better representation of your interests. Don’t worry too much about the rigor of the books that you choose.  Admissions officers aren’t looking to see whether you can read difficult books, they are really just looking to see what stimulates you intellectually.  Don’t try to impress admissions officers by choosing random books that you’ve never read; the best way to go about this question is by providing books that truly intrigued you. Overall, don’t sweat this one too much.  Be genuine with the books that you’ve read, as the admissions officers just want to see that you maintain some literary interests. Be bold and really go for something unique with this prompt.  Remember that admissions officers reward creativity and innovation.  And keep in mind that you can write about anything that interests you, so don’t feel limited in any way by my examples above! Include a brief letter asking to be considered for the Farr Scholarship, describing how you became interested in entrepreneurship and how you plan to continue these interests at Wake Forest. The Farr Scholarship is designed for students who have shown great potential and interest in the field of entrepreneurship .  As a university dedicated to providing its students with a variety of opportunities to innovate freely, Wake Forest actively seeks students who can take advantage of its entrepreneurial offerings.  This essay consists of two main components: describing your interest and showcasing how Wake Forest can help you in these pursuits. Ideally, a student applying for this scholarship has made some significant entrepreneurial pursuit.  But, don’t be afraid to answer this prompt if you haven’t had any direct business experience.  An entrepreneurial approach to an existing problem comes in many different forms. For instance, you could explain how your experiences in Virtual Enterprise, FFA, or software development have led to a desire to launch new programs in these areas.  You should also take the time to describe where you see these entrepreneurial pursuits taking you in the future.  Ensure that you truly demonstrate your passion for entrepreneurship .  This is typically best expressed by discussing through a story your own personal experience doing something, such as starting a local tutoring organization to aid underserved 7th-grade students that you’ve helped slowly expand into five different cities. No matter your experience, ensure that you also emphasize how Wake Forest will help you to bring your ideas into the real world . One of the many ways Wake Forest fosters innovation is through its Center for Entrepreneurship.  Take time to look through and discover how Wake Forest can help you accomplish your entrepreneurial goals.  For example, a student interested in founding a socially aware company that sells reusable straws and donates part of their proceedings to clean up environmental damage caused by plastic could work to refine their idea by working with Deacon Springboard and even pursuing an entrepreneurship minor. The key is to be specific! Wake Forest really wants to see how you plan to take advantage of its entrepreneurial offerings. By effectively linking your entrepreneurial interests with the diverse opportunities at Wake Forest, you will piece together a powerful essay for this scholarship. Presidential Scholarship: â€Å"Special Talent†Essay Please describe the special talent or ability which qualifies you for participation in the Presidential Scholarship program. Discuss a significant experience you have had or something you have read that has influenced the development of your talent. (Response required in 1 page) The Presidential Scholarship is designed only for students who have shown great talent in art, dance, debate, music, or theatre.  So, choosing your topic for this essay shouldn’t be too difficult as you likely have already demonstrated immense talent in one of these fields.  You will also have to submit supplementary materials that showcase this talent to the admissions officers.  With this essay, the admissions officers want to hear about your special skill from your perspective and see how you have developed this talent over time. This essay can be a bit tricky to write if your personal statement already described this skill in great detail. If this applies to you, take care not to repeat any information and make the content of this essay as original as possible. The key to this essay is finding a significant experience around which to frame the essay.  Some examples include: Once you have decided upon a significant experience, the rest of the essay should flow quite smoothly.  Ensure that you use this significant experience to describe in detail your special talent or ability. Wake Forest is looking for a unique student body so strive to demonstrate what makes your mastery of this ability or talent special.  Also, keep in mind that this essay is still all about you .  Avoid discussion of Wake Forest in this portion as the next essay will provide plenty of room for you to discuss how Wake Forest will help you develop this skill. Successful essays for this prompt showcase an arc of development .  By demonstrating how the significant experience has played a role in the growth of both your skill and of you as an individual, you demonstrate a maturity that admissions officers love to see.  For instance, a pianist could describe how his first solo performance in front of a crowd electrified him and helped him to fully express himself for the first time.  By finally being able to effectively reveal his emotions, he gained a deeper understanding of the empowering nature of music. Why do you wish to attend a liberal arts university? What do you expect to gain from four years at Wake Forest, and what could you contribute to the University in regards to your area of talent? (Response required in 1 page) With this essay, Wake Forest gauges how applicants see themselves contributing to the university and how seriously applicants have looked into how they will fit in at Wake Forest. The key here is to showcase to the admissions officers that you see yourself thriving at Wake Forest.  But remember, this question is still about you .  There are two foundational steps to taking on this essay: research and personalize . For this step, find out as much about Wake Forest as you possibly can. The more that you know about the university, the more easily you will be able to express why you want to be a Wake Forest Demon Deacon. Wake Forest hopes with this essay to find out which students are thoughtful in how they will fit in at the university. Helpful resources for this include: Keep in mind that you will need to address all three parts of the prompt: why you wish to attend a liberal arts university, what you expect to gain from your four years at Wake Forest, and how you can contribute to the university through your talent.  So while researching the university, you should be focusing on these three key points.  Remember, the essential aspect here is to learn how you can apply your talent to help the school while taking advantage of Wake Forest’s opportunities and unique characteristics.  Your essay should give admissions officers a compelling idea of what you will bring to Wake Forest.  Although admissions officers don’t expect you to necessarily major in something related to your talent, they do expect you to continue to pursue it in some way.  So, one of your top priorities should be describing how you will take advantage of Wake Forest’s offerings to further develop your talent. Be sure to also discuss your interest in pursuing a liberal arts education.  For instance, a dancer could describe how a liberal arts education would allow her to explore her various interests in biology, literature, and dance.  In order to be even more impactful, choose specific aspects of the university such as certain classes or clubs that interest you.  The student above could describe how the course â€Å"Biology and the Human Condition†would allow her to delve into her dual interests of biology and what it means to be human.   The aspects of Wake Forest you choose to hone in on do not all need to be academic. For example, Wake Forest is known for its high-quality athletics and school spirit. A powerful example could describe how an applicant who planned and promoted school events during high school strives to cultivate a school identity wherever she goes. Wake Forest seeks students who are passionate and authentic . To demonstrate these qualities in your writing, strive to show, not tell . If writing about your interest in Wake Forest’s study abroad program, don’t tell the admissions officers that you like traveling and immersing yourself in foreign cultures. Rather, share an anecdote about how visiting Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre in London opened your eyes to the role that art plays within society. Start early and give yourself sufficient time to think through these various prompts.  Wake Forest rewards students who are thoughtful in their responses and demonstrate a great interest in their topics of choice.  Wake Forest’s diverse and open-ended essay prompts give you the ability to really make your case for why you are someone they want at their university. When putting all of these essays together, consider each of the different prompts as a way to highlight a separate aspect of who you are as a person.  Try to avoid writing about the same interest in multiple essays if possible.  In this way, the essays will all meld beautifully together to provide a unique representation of you as an individual.  Take advantage of the opportunity that Wake Forest provides to reveal who you are beyond GPA and test scores. And above all, be genuine .  Admissions officers reward students who write passionately about what they are interested in, not what they think might interest admissions officers.  Write about what you love, and you will slowly begin to fall in love with the admissions process. Good luck tackling Wake Forest’s application questions. You got this! Want help on your Wake Forest application or essays? Learn about our College Apps Program. Want us to quickly edit your college essay? Submit it to our Rapid Essay Review program , and we’ll get it back to you quickly with comments from our expert team.â€
Friday, September 27, 2019
Suffering because of Diabetic KetoAcidosis Case Study
Suffering because of Diabetic KetoAcidosis - Case Study Example Thi study stresses that insulin deficiency as seen in type 1 DM compels the body to breakdown amino acids and triglycerides as opposed to glucose for energy production. Due to high breakdown of glyceride and amino acids, the levels of serum free fatty acids and glycerol goes abnormally leading to high level of uncontrolled lipolysis. The Free Fatty Acids (FFA) rises substantially in the blood ; meanwhile, muscles lysis goes up. Due to production of acetoacetic acids and hydroxybutyric acids, both of which are strong organic acids increases leading to metabolic acidosis. Metabolic acidosis is one of the classical symptoms of DKA during the initial stage. Because of increased metabolic acidosis, the patients physiologic compensation takes over. In order to restore normal pH, there is Kausmal respiration that attempt to increase the expiration. Many patients will present with acetone-breathe. Hyperglycemia arises due to insulin insufficiency leading to high sugar levels i n the blood and osmotic diuresis that leads to loss of urinary function. This is a striking similarity with the case study presented. In addition, the urinary excretion of ketones causes increased loss of sodium, potassium and water is lost at large amounts leading to reduced urinary excretion as seen in the patient. As a result of increased loss of electrolytes, potassium often migrates into extracellular component leading to increased potassium levels, often driven back to intracellular by insulin therapy. In order to diagnose DKA, first the patient history and physical assessment helps in identifying which laboratories test to be done. Clinical diagnosis depends on three key laboratory findings; the arterial blood pH normally less than 7.30 with an anion gap of more than 12. Secondly, serum ketones levels are an important diagnostic measurement. The presence of serum ketones and urine ketones indicate definitive diagnosis.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Business Plan Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words
Business Plan - Dissertation Example The customers will benefit from discounts ranging from 50% to 90%. Business partners will benefit from increased sales resulting in a win-win situation for all parties. The value of each deal ranges between ?10 and ?30 so we expect on average ?20 to be spent by each of our customers with 50% of that being our revenue. Therefore, we expect to earn an average of ?10 from each of our deals. Hooray is expected to be up and running by June 2011. Our target customers are university students, house-wives and white collar workers in and around London. We expected to work with major supermarket chains like Tesco, Sainsbury, Airlines and Travel companies like Thomas Cook operating in and around London. We will also be working with a variety of upscale restaurants in London and on the Campuses of various Universities as well as entertainment companies like movie theatres and opera houses. Our starting point will be in London where we expect to get between 20,000 and 100,000 subscribers in our f irst month of operation and between 20,000 and 100,000 coupons sold bringing in an average of between ?200,000 in a worst case scenario and ?1,000,000 in a best case scenario in terms of revenues. We expect to have between 500 thousand and one million subscribers by the end of May 2012. All first time subscribers’ will get an opportunity of obtaining their deals free if at least three of their friends use their link on subscribing to purchase coupons. Students on various university campuses will be able to buy weekly deals for ?30 for meals for five days at the university cafeteria. If they allow at least five other students to use their link they get free meals for the week. White collar workers will benefit from daily lunch deals various restaurants in and around London. House-wives will benefit tremendously from deals at major supermarkets, especially on items that are slow moving and in some cases soon to expire. Certain fast moving essential items will be mixed with eith er slow moving, soon to expire or in the case of fruits and vegetables that does not have much time left on the shelf or which are in excess supply. In case of airline seats Hooray will seek to obtain regular deals on traditionally slow days which can be past on to its customers. In such a case the customer will obtain discounts of between 30 and 50% off regular travel packages and airline fares. Hooray’s competitive advantage is that it will take the unique elements from other top group buying sites like Groupon which has applications for both Android and IPhone, credits for subscribers who introduce friends that sign up and buy coupons. The more members that a subscriber invites the bigger the discount that the member receives as Tippr currently does. We will offer a percentage of the cost of the purchase to a charitable organisation of the customer’s choice as Deals for deals. Like Homerun customers can get free deals if they invite friends to join. Most valued cust omers will get exclusive deals which will relate to the frequency of purchase and the value of their purchases. Like Daily Dealster our coupons will be transferable and can be given to others as gifts. Every week we will have a promotion where customers give an indication of what deals
No title Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
No title - Article Example Apart from the basic client information, using the cards enable an organization to obtain other derivable information about the client geography, which is essential in making the policy decisions. My concentration is Entrepreneurship, and application of Big Data in the field of entrepreneurship is in the analysis of Big Data to aid in decision-making process. Another application of Big Data analysis that would help me in my concentration is building a corporate culture in an organization that I will work for. From the key business processes to major decisions, the organizations have become more data driven and apply insights from the very analytics. In this connection, the organizations do not merely rely on the employee’s subjective feeling about various aspects of operations, but incorporate the data analytics to inform decisions. This helps in develop in the work force, an evidence-based culture. Furthermore, Big Data analysis is instrumental in an organization in terms of the provision of insights into the security, privacy and the administration issues. These aspects of a business organization can be analyzed and responded to using the Big Data. The company-wide big data platforms provide solutions to challenges of the business big data. For instance, past trends of the customer purchases, provided by the Big Data are also useful in discerning the tastes and preferences of the customers in various places and making investment decisions to satisfy such needs. The investment decision pertaining to the products to avail to which section of the global or regional clients would be much effective if the Big Data informs such decisions. Finally, big data analysis in engineering will help me infusion of cognitive intelligence with the generational apps. Innovation, creativity and the entrepreneurial spirit is highly boosted especially in the area of
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Memo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5
Memo - Essay Example rts inadvertently, found out from the Academic Support office about her illness and since then kept on taunting her and publicly disgracing her in a class comprising approximately seventy (70) students. Meanie referred t her as â€Å"†¦a moron and the most brainless, dim witted person I’ve ever met. By the end of the fifth(5th) week Ms. Jones could take it no more and had no other option but to quit school. Unfortunately she had to leave her studies and let go of long cherished, childhood dream of becoming a lawyer because in the words of professor Meanie threatened to flunk her. In order to give full attention to her studies she left her a reasonably good paying job as a paralegal. After leaving her studies she again sought the old job but the positioned was filled up, so she had to work under another attorney Ms Bea Aach, a hard task master, and as inconsiderate if not more than her professor. These factors lead to further deterioration in her mental and physical health, so much so that she was hospitalized. Consequently Ms. Jones resigned from this job. As of present Ms. Jones, earns her meager income by writing abstracts. Because of her ill-treatment first at the hands of the Professor at LCLC and then while working under Ms. Bea Aach, her mental health has been badly affected. And a perfectly able young woman with a lot of potential because of the ignorance and mal-treatment of her professor and later the inconsiderate attitude of her employer is suffering as her malady has increased manifold. Initially when she gave up her studies and later had to give up her job as well, she had recurring nightmares and had sleeping problems. Now he does not suffer from nightmares but she has sleep disorder. And because of her bad experiences in the past she is reluctant to get treatment Previously she had a normal social life but now owing partly to her economic problems and the inconsiderate behavior of the people around her she is reduced to a wretch and a recluse.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
The Concept of Risk in Diffirent Project Management Approaches Essay
The Concept of Risk in Diffirent Project Management Approaches - Essay Example If we talk about the risk management in agile (Scum) software project management, it basically allows us to deal with risks on the daily basis. For instance, till the end of a day we identify and record the project risks. On the other hand, PRINCE2 goes beyond the definition of risk as it divides the risk into two categories on the basis of their positive or negative consequences. These two categories can be threat and opportunity. In this scenario, a threat could be an uncertain activity or action which if it occurs can cause negative effect on the project’s likelihood of achieving its objectives. On the other hand, an opportunity is an event if it takes place can cause a favorable and advantageous effect on the project likelihood of achieving its objectives (Brady, 2009; Rehman et al., 2010; TutorialsPoint, 2012). However, in this paper we will consider the risk as a threat. In addition, risk management is an essential element of both the Agile (scrum) and Prince2 project ma nagement approaches. This paper will discuss the concept of risk from the perspective of Prince2 and Scrum project management approaches. ... According to this attribute, risk may or may not take place; in other words, we are not 100% sure about the occurrence of possible risks. On the other hand, another attribute is acknowledged as â€Å"loss†. According to this attribute, the risk turns into a certainty, unnecessary outcome or losses can take place. Hence, while evaluating project risks, it is necessary to assess the degree of loss and the level of improbability associated with each risk (Pressman, 2001, p.146; Kerzner, 2006, p.743). In addition, risk management is the process of identifying, measuring, and managing what might go in the wrong way into a project before it turns out to be a danger to the successful completion of the project or the implementation of a software application. Moreover, risk management is a very important skill to manage a project successfully (Turban et al., 2005, p.712; Whitten et al., 2000, p.83). According to (Murthi, 2002), large software systems cannot be developed without facing a wide variety of risks. In this scenario, a report published by â€Å"The Standish Group†with the name of "CHAOS: A Recipe for Success," shows that only less than 30% of all software development projects are within budget and on time as well as fulfil all their indented requirements. On the other hand, more than 70% either fail or do not fulfil software development goals. Additionally, these facts are frightening in a cost-cutting measure where software systems play a significant role in fact they can make or break the organization (Murthi, 2002). In this paper, we will use the approach of identifying, measuring, and managing what might go in the wrong way into a project before it becomes problem for the successful completion of a project. Concept of Risk in Prince2 Project Management
Monday, September 23, 2019
Recycling Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Recycling - Research Paper Example In recent times, recycling and taking care of our environment as a whole is critically a big thing. While reusing our wastes seems to be the best method, often times this proofs to be a difficult task. Just everyone has a clear understanding that our environment is in way endangered. Of serious concerns is the amount of waste we put in the air, ground and water all year round. Looking at the world many places have been and continue to be, polluted garbage, toxic wastes and radioactive wastes (Shaufique, Sidique, & Joshi, 2010, p. 247). Recycling does come in handy in our today world of wastes. Many still might not know the importance of recycling and its help to our environment today. Of interest though is that recycling appears to be a concept generally introduced recently, but in actual terms recycling has been around for thousands of years. Before the introduction of the industrial age, people around then couldn’t make goods in a quicker and most convenient way. As a result this forced them to practices some form of recycling. During this error large scale recycling was at its rear existence due to technological limitation experienced. With the introduction of mass production of the industrial age comes along with utmost need to practice large-scale recycling (Shaufique, Sidique, & Joshi, 2010). It’s human nature that once products are available and purchased cheaply, then it makes sense to them to simply throw old items and pick new ones in that order. Sincerely this culture of simply disposing goods any how creates a number of environmental problems. Myths of Recycling The whole idea of recycling is not that wholly accepted, there are a lot of myths surrounding buying and uses of recycled products. This includes: Recycled products being hard to find in the market- well it used to be true but not anymore, as there are a lot of recycled products in our immediate vicinity, assumptions that recycled papers aren’t as good as non-recycled pa pers- as of today there is no big difference between recycled and non-recycled paper and recycled outputs costing more money- it clearly used to be the case sometimes ago especially on some materials but this is not the case recently actually today most recycled products are often cheaper than those from non-recycled products (Shaufique, Sidique, & Joshi, 2010). Additionally, Inferiority in recycled products quality- this is actually not the case, on the contrary recycled products have high qualities and are more reliable. In today’s world human beings are in way making many environmental ethics decisions in some broader formality. This includes: Decisions as to whether to continue to clear our forests all in the reason of human consumption, decisions as to whether to continue propagating life and the entire species altogether and decision as to whether in present world we continue to make more gasoline powered vehicles. Others include decision regarding human abilities to sa feguard the environment for incoming future generations and most importantly how best should human being use and generally at the same time conserve the space environment for security and expansion of life (Martin, Williams, &
Sunday, September 22, 2019
The most persuasive of three models of attorney-client relationship Essay Example for Free
The most persuasive of three models of attorney-client relationship Essay While in the attorney-client relationship, lawyers face three obligations in performance. First, they must assume the duty of fully investigating a client’s case.  Lawyers should seek out all relevant acts. This information is necessary to provide the client with an effective counsel. The second duty is zealous client advocacy. These duties are sometimes at odds with the third duty which is the obligation of lawyers to the court. All active lawyers are officers of the court and therefore, hold certain responsibilities.            It has been argued that only two of the above three obligations can be met at any given time.  Dean Freeman is quoted as saying, â€Å"To convert the defendant’s only champion into yet another member of the state’s legions seems an unnecessary and offensive step.†           The first and second obligations are in place to insure zealous advocacy; and the third is essential for lawyers to participate in the judicial system as it is designed. (Retrieved on 11/17/06 from source:            The ABA has promulgated three model codes of lawyers since 1908. The Canons of Ethics in 1908 was first. This established many rules and codes that are still in effect today. One thing the Canons did was to ban lawyers from advertising, except in the case of handing out business cards.            The Canons were the ABA’s direct response to President Roosevelt’s 1905 criticism of lawyers as â€Å"hired Cunning†, or, those who, for lucrative fees, undermined the public interest by their representation of corporation and wealthy individuals. These Cannons were adopted and were the legal profession’s authoritative statement of how a lawyer should act. (Retrieved on 11/17/06 from source:             The 1908 Canons included the duty of an attorney to keep a client’s secrets. This element of confidentiality is the duty I hold most important. The Canons of 1908 set the premise of trust in the minds of the general, lawyer seeking public. Attorneys can be more persuasive to their clients in regards to gaining their trust, if the client knows their secrets will be kept and confidentiality is firmly in place.             The American Bar Association Model Code of Professional Responsibility was created in 1969. This was a set of professional standards intended to guarantee the minimum legal ethics and responsibility of lawyers in the U.S. It was ultimately replaced with the Model Rules of Professional Conduct after the Watergate scandal.            While I do feel all three model codes are important, the Canons are most persuasive in my book as they lay a firm base for what is expected from today’s lawyers: Confidentiality, competence, honesty, loyalty and client’s access to progress through exchange of information. (Retrieved on 11/17/06 from source:
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Techniques for Providing Fresh Water to Arid Regions
Techniques for Providing Fresh Water to Arid Regions Student ID Number: 36845 Introduction Water is vital as it does not have a substitute and is a finite resource (Kaplan, 2011). The demand for water is ever increasing but the supply is decreasing or is constant. This demand is brought up by factors such as population increase, industrialization and agricultural needs. Some areas receive the right amount of whereas, others do not receive the right amount. These regions are known as arid regions where rainfall and water supply is less yearly causing droughts. The report will examine the feasibility of two techniques namely desalination and building dams and reservoirs for supplying fresh water to arid regions considering factors such as cost, technology, location and water quality. Background Kaplan (2011) points out that there is approximately 36 million cubic kilometres of fresh water available on the earth which equals to 3% and the rest 97% is salt water. 77% of the fresh water available is locked up in the polar icecaps, glaciers and icebergs, less than 1% in fresh water lakes, springs and rivers. The rest is found in plants, atmosphere and human bodies. However, another argument put forward by Kaplan (2011) was that just over a half of the fresh water available on the earth is being used. This means that there is plenty of fresh water available but is inefficiently used, wasted in simpler terms and not evenly distributed across the world. Therefore, arid regions are formed as they do not receive the right amount of water demanded from their population in that area. UNEP (1992) reports about 47% of the surface of the earth being arid or semi-arid. This shows almost half of the world is without water whereas, some places have plenty of fresh water available. Another r eport of UNEP (1997) claims about 2 billion people live in arid regions and in many cases in very poor conditions. This shows the need and importance of development of ideas and techniques to provide fresh water to these regions. Figure 1 Global dry land areas by continent Continent Extension Percentage Arid Semi-arid Dry subhumid Arid Semi-arid Dry subhumid (million ha) Africa 467.60 611.35 219.16 16.21 21.20 7.60 Asia 704.30 727.97 225.51 25.48 26.34 8.16 Oceania 459.50 211.02 38.24 59.72 27.42 4.97 Europe 0.30 94.26 123.47 0.01 1.74 2.27 North/central America 4.27 130.71 382.09 6.09 17.82 4.27 South America 5.97 122.43 250.21 7.11 14.54 5.97 Total 1 641.95 1 897.74 1 238.68 Mha=106ha. Source: FAO (2002) Figure 1 above shows the percentage and the distance in hectares (ha) of the surface of the earth that can be classified as an arid or a semi-arid region. From the table; Africa and Asia have the largest extension of arid zones, they account for more than a half of worlds arid regions (FAO, 2002). Comparison of options: Desalination According to Kucera (2014), desalination is defined as the â€Å"process of removing dissolved solids, such as salts and minerals, from water.†Desalination was used practically first in the sixteenth and the seventeenth centuries by sailors. Desalination is sometimes referred as distillation and sailors back in the sixteenth century used simple distillation technique to evaporate sea water and collecting the fresh water. The figure below from Kucera (2014) shows the total desalination capacity by different countries since 2003. The highest percentages of desalination capacity are led by the Middle East countries i.e. Saudi Arabia and UAE followed closely by; Spain, USA, China, Algeria, Australia, Israel, and India, respectively. Figure 2 Kucera (2014) Figure 2 above also shows that desalination is a process that is mainly operated by the developing countries. Not a single African nation is seen in the figure means that the most arid region of the world is not using desalination process. Keyes , Conrad Fahy, Tansel, Berrin (2012) claim desalination have two major technological methods involved i.e. membrane and evaporative also known as thermal. Middle East use the evaporative technology while, the USA depend on the membrane process of desalination as it is more technologically advanced and has a cost advantage. â€Å"Desalination water treatment plants must be managed in an environmentally compatible manner and requires significant environmental assessment efforts depending on the quality of the concentrate and geographical location of the facility†(ibid, 2012). This shows the process of desalination for providing fresh water to arid region is quite costly and requires attention to the environment as only developing countr ies like the UAE and the USA can afford to use. Building dams reservoirs: A dam is a structure built along rivers or streams that are used to control the water flow and store the water in reservoirs during the rainy season and release as needed during the times of drought. Reservoirs are artificial lakes that store the water (UNEP, 2000). The stored water is used in several ways; irrigation, domestic use, producing hydro-electricity and leisure activities. .Abu-zeid and.El-Shibini (2010) states â€Å"the only main source for Egypt’s water is the River Nile.†Therefore Egypt is also considered part of the arid regions of the world. The Aswan High Dam was built on the River Nile in Egypt to control floods, produce HEP- Hydro-electric power and irrigate their lands in 1971. The dam had positive impacts on rapid growing population of Aswan province. The tourism industry and the fishers noted a growth in their businesses. The majority of the Egyptian population also depends on the river for its water for domestic and industrial use. The figure bel ow represents the area in hectares-ha of irrigation in countries of Africa in 1997. (University of Michigan, n.d.) The figure shows Egypt irrigated 3.3 million hectares in 1997, and that number will keep on increasing as population increases (University of Michigan, n.d). However, some negative impacts are noted by Abu-zeid and El-Shibini (2010) that during the construction of the dam several Egyptian residents and monuments had to immigrate to the cities of Lower Egypt. The dam being 111 metres high and 3830 metres long costs the Egyptian government about 1 billion dollars (Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2014). This shows building dams and reservoirs can have some drawbacks in the short run like cost, re-settlement, natural disasters and water borne diseases but in the long run it also improves the economy of the country and it helps the population of the country in irrigation, power and leisure activities. Recommendation and Conclusion It can be concluded that to provide water to arid regions of the world both the techniques are feasible. Desalination works when the region has a source of salt or seawater. Although, it is quite costly and not very friendly to the environment, it is now widely used in many countries which prove it to be efficient. On the other hand, building dams and reservoirs is very efficient and advantageous to the economy of the country. It attracts tourists, irrigates land, provides hydro-electric power and stores water for domestic use by the population of the country. However, it is also very expensive to build a dam or a reservoir, during the construction people have to be moved, diseases are prone from the water and highly depends whether the region has a source of water like river flowing. Thus, looking at the differences in requirements desalination is better than dams and reservoirs to provide fresh water to arid regions. References: Encyclopedia Britannica. (2014). Aswan High Dam. [online]. Accessed at: 27/03/2015. Available at: FAO. (2002). Land degradation assessment in drylands LADA project. World soil resources report no.97. ROME Kaplan International Colleges. (2011). Skills for study 2: Water. [podcast][mp3]. Nottingham, UK: KIC Keyes Jr., Conrad G. Fahy, Michael P. Tansel, Berrin (2012). Concentrate management in Desalination-case studies. American Society of Civil Engineering(ASCE). [online]. Accessed at 27/03/2015. Available at: Kucers, J. (2014). Desalination: water from water. Canada. Serivener Publishing Llc. M.A.Abu-zeid and F.Z.El-Shibini (2010). International Journal of water resources development: Egypt’s High Aswan Dam. 13(2). p.p 209-217. University of Michigan. (n.d). Human impacts on the Nile River. [online]. Accessed at 27/03/2015. Available at: UNEP. (1992). World atlas of desertification. 2nd Edition. Nairobi UNEP. (1997). World atlas of desertification. 2nd Edition. Nairobi UNEP(2000). Lakes and Reservoirs: Similarities, Differences and Importance. Osaka: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP IETC)
Friday, September 20, 2019
Devils Trill :: essays research papers
â€Å"Devils Trill†Before the Spring Festival of 1973 the narrator’s mother brought him his violin; it was a fine German model. The narrator received the violin from his great uncle who bought it from a poor Russian musician for fifty silver dollars. His uncle was on his deathbed when he gave the violin to the narrator, and gave it to him because none of his sons our grandsons played the violin. The narrator aspired to be a musician for much of his young life; he attended a music school, but later abandoned the dream. The narrator is now in a camp for political prisoners, recently one of the prisoners was executed, and many prisoners were scared they were going to be killed. The narrator was made a prisoner of a fellow prisoner named Old Cop, and the narrator could not stand him. Even though he did not like him, the narrator tried to be on good terms with the Old Cop, but he just ignored him. On the eve of the Spring festival the narrator was playing his violin on his bed and a fellow prisoner w as trying to hide cakes his wife had brought him. After a while a crowd of inmates were gathered abound his bunk listening to him play the violin. The Old Cop was annoyed when The Big Boss of the barracks came over to listen to the narrator play so he told the narrator to go outside. As he as going outside to the courtyard he started to recall past spring festivals before he was a prisoner, and how he learned to play the violin. He then entered the bathroom and saw a couple of his friends and started play the violin for them. They were very pleased. Later that night he went to the Big Boss’s barracks, and they talked about the Big Boss’s upcoming release, and how he was arrested. When the narrator returned to his barracks, he witnessed the Old Cop trying to steal the one of the inmate’s cakes and started to fight with him. He eventually won the fight and was rewarded by one of the officers. He was to be one of the waiters at the festival, a job that the Old Cop would have had. The narrator was excited to receive the job because he would be able to hear rumors from the outside world. When they got to the festival they were to help the butcher slay another pig because there were more people coming than expected.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Annotation Assignment: A Separate Peace :: essays research papers
Setting: 1. Chapter 1, page 1, #2: â€Å"I didn’t entirely like this glossy new surface†Analysis: This quote shows that the setting was at one point different to the author. It was not glossy and new. 2. Chapter 1, page 4, #2: â€Å"Devon is sometimes considered the most beautiful school in New England, and even on this dismal afternoon its power was asserted.†Analysis: This quote showing setting can be closely related to the character Finny. Much like the school, Finny is beautiful even in the midst of some of his hateful classmates. 3. Chapter 1, page 5, #3: â€Å"Moving through the soaked, coarse grass I began to examine each one closely, and finally identified the tree I was looking for by means of certain small scars rising along its trunk, and by a limb extending over the river, and another thinner limb growing near it. Analysis: This setting shows in detail a location which is directly tied to the author. He remembers the tree in such detail because this was the place were the main conflict in his life took place. Theme: 1. Chapter 3, page 5, #3: â€Å"A little fog hung over the river so that as I neared it I felt myself becoming isolated from everything except the river and the few trees beside it. The wind was blowing more steadily here, and I was beginning to feel cold.†Analysis: This quote has the affect of creating a foreboding mood as if something dreadful is about to happen to gene and the landscape is warning him. 2. Chapter 2, page 18, #3: â€Å"It was hypnotism. I was beginning to see that Phineas could get away with anything.†Analysis: This quote is based on the theme of envy. It is clear that Gene feels that Phineas can get away with anything. The reader can tell that Gene hate him because of this. 3. Chapter 3, page 29, #1: â€Å"â€Å"Blitzkrieg†, repeated Finny doubtfully. â€Å"We could figure out some kind of blitzkrieg baseball,†I said. â€Å"We’ll call it blitzkrieg ball,†said Bobby. â€Å"Or just blitzball††Analysis: This quote shows the theme of microcosm. The boys are so isolated from the rest of the world and the war, that they do not understand fully the horrors of war. So much so that they name a game after a German tank invasion were thousands of people died. 4. Chapter 5, page 53, #1: â€Å"I couldn’t figure out exactly what this word meant, whether It meant broken in one or several places, cleanly or badly, and I didn’t ask. Annotation Assignment: A Separate Peace :: essays research papers Setting: 1. Chapter 1, page 1, #2: â€Å"I didn’t entirely like this glossy new surface†Analysis: This quote shows that the setting was at one point different to the author. It was not glossy and new. 2. Chapter 1, page 4, #2: â€Å"Devon is sometimes considered the most beautiful school in New England, and even on this dismal afternoon its power was asserted.†Analysis: This quote showing setting can be closely related to the character Finny. Much like the school, Finny is beautiful even in the midst of some of his hateful classmates. 3. Chapter 1, page 5, #3: â€Å"Moving through the soaked, coarse grass I began to examine each one closely, and finally identified the tree I was looking for by means of certain small scars rising along its trunk, and by a limb extending over the river, and another thinner limb growing near it. Analysis: This setting shows in detail a location which is directly tied to the author. He remembers the tree in such detail because this was the place were the main conflict in his life took place. Theme: 1. Chapter 3, page 5, #3: â€Å"A little fog hung over the river so that as I neared it I felt myself becoming isolated from everything except the river and the few trees beside it. The wind was blowing more steadily here, and I was beginning to feel cold.†Analysis: This quote has the affect of creating a foreboding mood as if something dreadful is about to happen to gene and the landscape is warning him. 2. Chapter 2, page 18, #3: â€Å"It was hypnotism. I was beginning to see that Phineas could get away with anything.†Analysis: This quote is based on the theme of envy. It is clear that Gene feels that Phineas can get away with anything. The reader can tell that Gene hate him because of this. 3. Chapter 3, page 29, #1: â€Å"â€Å"Blitzkrieg†, repeated Finny doubtfully. â€Å"We could figure out some kind of blitzkrieg baseball,†I said. â€Å"We’ll call it blitzkrieg ball,†said Bobby. â€Å"Or just blitzball††Analysis: This quote shows the theme of microcosm. The boys are so isolated from the rest of the world and the war, that they do not understand fully the horrors of war. So much so that they name a game after a German tank invasion were thousands of people died. 4. Chapter 5, page 53, #1: â€Å"I couldn’t figure out exactly what this word meant, whether It meant broken in one or several places, cleanly or badly, and I didn’t ask.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
A Reassessment of the !Kung San Essay -- Geography Geographical Papers
A Reassessment of the Kung San The !Kung San are a group of hunter-gathers that make their home in the northern Kalahari desert. Although many ecological and cultural changes have occurred within this group throughout the past thirty years, this article examines the gathering and subsistence patterns that characterize these people. Bentley examines the total fertility rate of the !Kung San and hypothesizes that the pattern of female energetics in their subsistence routine has a direct effect upon their fecundity (1984: 79). His perspective explores the topic of fertility in great depth, and represents a viewpoint that is absent from the text written by Richard Lee, The Dobe Ju’/hoansi. In fact, some of the hypotheses proposed by Bentley appear to contradict Lee’s own research, while others are supported by the findings of Lee. One question that remains undecided regarding the low fertility rates of the !Kung is the degree to which this is a result of sociocultural means, or an effect of physiological and biological processes. Bentley examines the "intermediate variables" within Bongaarts’ reproductive equation, which is one means of illustrating and quantifying the mechanisms that may cause the low fertility rate, and demonstrates that this research seems insufficient in explaining fertility. Briefly, Bongaarts’ equation incorporates the following variables: total fertility rate, index of proportions married, index of contraception, index of induced abortion, index of lactational infecundability, and total fecundity (which includes fecundability, intra-uterine mortality, and permanent sterility). In addition to showing that the intermediate variables of Bongaart’s equation are insufficient in explaining th... ...estyle may consist of foods that are more malleable, therefore reducing the amount of time mothers spend nursing their young. As the !Kung make cultural transitions into more sedentary lifestyles, fertility rates will presumably be affected. As Lee points out, in village life the men maintain the mobility while the women become housebound, with more of their time spent alone with the children. Thus, a more sedentary lifestyle may lead to an increase in fertility rates and a subsequent increase in population. In fact, the population of Dove has risen from 35 in 1964 to 165 at the time Lee wrote his book (1994: 154). Another result of such changes is that they may lead to the subordination of women. The new emergence of a sedentary lifestyle has implications for overall fertility, but also threatens to undermine the egalitarian values of this group of people.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Case Study: of Nike Company Ltd: Question 1
Question 1 a) In the late 1990s Nike found itself in a serious situation with its manufacturing approach in Asia. -Select and apply one of Porter’s models of strategy to explain why Nike were manufacturing in Asia? Michael Porter, leading author on company strategy and competitive advantage, has developed several generic strategies which, according to Porter, are the driving force behind any given company’s success. These strategies comprise of Cost Leadership, Differentiation and Focus. It is Porter’s view that any company that positions itself in at least one of these categories or striving to achieve one of these strategies should be able to attain and maintain competitive advantage, ceteris paribus. Nike Inc. has enjoyed a great deal of success in the Global Sports and Clothing Industry. One may even go as far to say it is the â€Å"cream of the crop†or â€Å"a cut above the rest†. One may also wonder if any of Porter’s strategies can be applied to explain or justify Nike’s competitive advantage. The Strategy of Cost Leadership is most applicable to Nike. It is also safe to say that this strategy was the deciding factor behind its’ manufacturing operations in Asia. Nike has no factories. It does not tie up cash in buildings and machinery. The evolving design and style of its products does not warrant this type of investment. Instead, it outsources labour. Nike has manufactured wherever it can produce high quality products at the lowest possible price. This makes a very lean organization and paves the way for the achievement of ultimate cost effectiveness. If prices rise, and products can be made elsewhere at a cheaper rate, to the same or better specification, Nike will move production. Porter’s cost leadership strategy concentrates on aiming to become the lowest cost producer in the industry through economies of scale. The cost leader aims to drive costs down while it targets a broad market, so sufficient sales can cover costs. Figure 1. is a representation of Porter’s matrix which has been applied to the Nike Inc. By manufacturing in Asia, Nike was able to capitalize, not only on the availability of cheap labor, but also the availability of a wide range of materials required for production. The abundance of raw materials would mean large quantities of high quality purchased at wholesale prices. This enabled Nike to have tremendous purchasing power in Asia due to the high value of the US dollar. Nike also benefited from the relatively low tariffs associated with leather olded footwear. Nike would have never enjoyed these luxuries if its manufacturing was conducted in its homeland Another factor to consider is the size of the labor force. Nike, through contracts, indirectly employed thousands around the world. This would ultimately result in the manufacturing of massive quantities in quick time. The higher the product turnover, the higher the returns. All these ingredients are paramount and will inevitably yield a cost leader, a. k. a. , Nike Inc.
Monday, September 16, 2019
The Ways to Prevent Influences of Rock Music on Teenagers
The subject of rock has been controversial and a source of conflict between parents and children ever since it first appeared on the scene in the mid 1950’s. When Elvis Presley performed on the Ed Sullivan Show for the first time in 1956, the cameras only showed him from the waist up, because adults were offended by the way he shook his hips. The kids loved it! When the Beatles arrived in the mid 1960’s, parents were shocked again this time by the mop-top haircuts. But young people were swept away by the infectious enthusiasm of their music.After the Beatles, more shocks were in store as groups like the Rolling Stones and the Animals popularized a more coarse, gritty, and vulgar style of blues-influenced rock. Rock and Roll has a major impact on our society and the way people acted. Early on the issues of cars, school, dating, and clothing, and the famous artists or bands that are singing them could really influence the minds of young kids. A lot of the songs would also talk about events or conflicts that people listening could relate too.Topics such as sex and drugs that were pretty much unacceptable in the 1950s were starting to be in songs in the 1960s and 1970s, and now today rock artists such as Marilyn Manson sings about everything. Eventhough rock music is one of the arts that promotes creativity and expression, it still has negative effects on our society today, especially among teenagers. The first effect that we can see are rock music is a genre of music that uses guitar, drum and bass, which contribute to its noisy music.Not only that, the most negative part of rock music is its heavy metallic sound, which unconsciously makes its listeners violent. Rock music can cause a phenomenon called nerve jamming which is similar to hypnosis. Rock music also an often-cited example in this case is that of a sixteen-year-old boy in Texas, U. S. A who was taken into a trance like state while listening to rock song that he became violent and unconscio usly murdered his aunt.After hearing the negative effects of the rock music, do we as parents would just sit idly by and continue to let the youth drift with rock music that turned out to have an adverse effect on them? Parents always want the best for their children. Thereby, there are several ways to control and prevent this problem from becoming rampant in our society, especially the youth who always need guidance and advice. The first ways that you can do as a parents to prevent the problem is monitor your children's music the same way you supervise their use of television, videos, and the Internet.Developmental psychologists and other researchers who study the effect of media on children have found that parents who are involved in all their children's media choices have a great impact on taming its potentially destructive effects, such as encouraging aggressive behavior and reinforcing negative stereotypes about women and men. Luckily, as parents of young children, you are like ly to be involved in buying the tapes or CDs, or borrowing them from the library, so music choices should be easy to monitor. But remember. The monitoring should be done on an ongoing basis.There are other ways you-can maintain control such as stay involved and listen to your child's music choices with him. If you find something objectionable, clearly explain in specifics why you're concerned so that he begins to understand that you're not just being mean and also you have valid reasons and particular values that you'd like him to understand and adopt. Also, don't make the mistake of dismissing your child to his room to listen in private to music you don't like: The more privacy he has, the less control and awareness you have.You also must to make sure the rules apply to everyone. One way that young children are often exposed to music that may not be appropriate for their ears is through older siblings (and parents). If you don't want your 6-year-old listening to music that offends you, you probably don't want your older kids listening to it, either. Lastly, you can share your favorite selections with your child and make an effort to appreciate his music. Encouraging your child to explore different kinds of music is likely to benefit him in many ways.In fact, our research shows that children whose parents introduce them to, and encourage them to listen to, a variety of music do better in school. Teenagers tend to get their style of dress from musicians that they like. Singers and songwriters have always set the tone for fashion trends. The music and fashion industry have become so intertwined that recording artists are now using their fame to sell their own fashion line of clothing. The rock fashion including black nail polish, waist chains and black makeup fashions are from rock music.For example Sleeveless T-Shirts Rock Band became very popular sense awesome bands like AC / DC, Metallica, Poison, Ratt, Ozzy & others made prototypes all the Rage. The band Nir vana brought the Grundge look to the masses in the 90's. Although this look started out in the city of Seattle, USA, it quickly became a popular fad. Even now in our country, we can see that young children wearing head skin pants, leather jackets, cut rock hair style and so on, where they take advantage of clothing shows how the singer or bands that they like. Follow clothing trends favored artist directly cause teenagers tend to follow the development of the artist.Parents should better monitor and take care of what are their children wearing even where they are, especially the teenagers because this group is more likely to follow changes in fashion and always want up-to-date. Parents can control with a fashion review and selection of children's clothes when they go out shopping. In other way, although the parents just give children pocket money for the teenagers to buy their stuffs or things that they want parents need to find out what fashion and how clothes and the bought by the ir teenage children.As a conclusion, rock music seems to be the most controversial but it also has many positive influences that should be taken in to consideration. There are some negatives that come with it, and those should be filtered out by the parents. So, the next time your child wants to listen to a song they like, instead of immediately refusing, listen with both ears. You will learn much of what your child likes and dislikes. You will gain insight into the thinking of your child. You will also learn what to absolutely deny your child.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Italian Poetry Essay
‘Glide’ forwards this pertaining uncertainty as ‘glide’ means to move fast without effort. Hence this can be linked to the final chapters where Victor chases his creation that watches and leaves deliberate clues for him. Victor feels his presence but fails to locate him. This creates atmosphere because his paranoia follows him until death, gradually draining all his happiness. His manipulation of Victor can however be interpreted as being ‘justifiably’ evil. Readers often sympathise with him because Victor was his only connection to humanity in-terms of attention and fluent communication; hence why after Victor dies he instantly contemplates suicide in the same cold condition. Victor’s death would fate him to a life, if he chose to live, of eternal loneliness: [Chapter 24] â€Å"†¦ for the bitter story of remorse may not cease to rankle in my wounds until death shall close them for ever. †The creature felt the same way Victor did; he did kill and destroy innocence, but however is not the psychopathic monster which humanity perceived him to be. The novel ends with the creature’s final recital of his tendencies: â€Å"My spirit will sleep in peace; or if it thinks, will surely not think thus. Farwell,†during his life-time he had taken a cynical outlook of humanity and thus sees death as his only escape to ‘a place’ more accepting. A similar word which describes Victor’s psychological isolation is his seeking of ‘asylum’ at â€Å"the Church of Ingolstadt†. ‘Asylum’ follows a cruder pattern of ‘refuge’; being an ‘asylum’ is similar to being a ‘refuge’ but it’s to mean more alienated – a criminal would take ‘asylum’ in a church to avoid persecution at that time. It is his method of keeping sane as he feels ‘protected’ inside God’s house. This is significant because he, prior to this, had labelled the creature as a ‘daemon’ and ‘fiend’: both of which are evil spirits related to the devil thus Victor by seeking ‘asylum’ believes that he is safe from the creature because in Christianity such evil is void of entering the Church. However all the creature wants is companionship. He had been tolerant and justifiable in his reasoning to Victor before driving himself further to demolishing his happiness. Such justification is shown in Volume 2; Chapter 9: Did I request thee, Maker, from my day To mould me man? Did I solicit thee From darkness to promote me? The monster through his intelligence learns to read and communicate in a profoundly persuasive manner. He quotes lines from John Milton’s Paradise Lost, paralleling his situation to that of Adam’s in Christianity. The creature is trying to show Victor that Adam may have been banished from all that was good in Paradise but even with such loss can still render happiness – merely because he has the one simple element to say alive for – love; which in comparison, the monster is deprived of. Therefore the monster, through his intelligence again, learns to deprive Victor of such love and companionship which will likewise inflict a profoundly negative effect on him. This is seen in Chapter 5 where he instantly recovers from his paranoia as he sees Henry: â€Å"In a moment forgot my horror and misfortune; I felt suddenly, and for the first time during many months, calm and serene joy. †Thus by the creature seizing away all his relations, he is seizing away elements of happiness which his life had contained. Hence this makes him pertain to his ‘wretchedly’ character which he had named himself. But Victor, however, knowingly shares similar emotion with his creation: â€Å"I passed the night wretchedly. †The verb which Victor uses to describe his action is ‘wretchedly’ which reflects his calling of the monster as a ‘wretch’. ‘Wretchedly’ is used to refer to someone who does an action in a deplorably unhappy manner; it is used in this context as a subtle form of foreshadowing of the trait of unhappiness he shares, and would continue to share in a fluent manner with his creation towards the end of the novel, especially during their mad endeavour towards the North Pole. The importance of friendships is further highlighted by the way he actually felt uneasy during his experiment; he was obsessed and did not genuinely enjoy what he was doing: â€Å"first time during many months†and he felt both ‘calm’ and ‘serene’ seeing Henry – such words indulge peace into one, which is contrasting with the whole experimental scenario. The significance of his creation is further emphasised, â€Å"The form of the monster whom I had bestowed existence was for ever before my eyes. †‘For ever’ elaborates on the monster’s significance because it means for eternity, Victor will always seem him; ‘before my eyes’ is effective because it reinforces that Victor will feel the monster’s presence before or without seeing him. In Chapter 5, Victor describes the monster in a way which will inevitably repulse and frighten any human-being: â€Å"A mummy endued with animation could not be as hideous as that wretch†. The way Victor compares his creation to ‘a mummy endued with animation’ is striking, conjuring a beyond-frightful image of what the monster must look like. This image of the monster is further elaborated on in, â€Å"Oh! no mortal could support the horror of that countenance†; â€Å"it became a thing that even Dante could not have conceived. †The way Victor says ‘no mortal’ reinforces that no living thing, in this case human, could even bear to look at him – the inference to Dante emphasises how the creature has surpassed the human connotations of the word ‘hideous’. This is because Dante, especially his death mask, is one of the most controversially hideous architectural figures of History to people, both contemporarily and at that time. Dante had also written Italian Poetry (subsequently translated to other languages) which includes emotions which the monster felt such as Loneliness and exile in Paradiso. This puts an emphasis on the creature’s loneliness, showing how nothing prior to his creation had trodden upon this Earth, thus nothing currently resembles him – and without Victor’s help of creating him a partner – nothing ever will. He is lonely to a degree where he struggles to answer the most fundamental questions of identity and personal History.
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