
Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Does Doctor Know Best? Essay

At what point can a come to act against the mothers wishes to except an unborn child? Should the court chip in a say in the final medical decision of a dying patient? These situations and more were discussed by the panel members where it became very provable that there are no absolutes when making these types of decisions. The root of the argument stems from the wishing of a decisive role that is responsible for making decisions when faced with counterpoint moral issues.The doctors felt that an agreement with the mother regarding treatment should be followed until, concord to their best judgment, she is no longer capable of making the decision on her own. The doctor is put in an ambiguous position to make a final decision since it would seem that his professional opinion is secondary to the choices of the mother. It was argued that a spouse or parent could make the decision at this point, or else than the doctor, especially if it were concerning the care for the as-yet unborn child. However, the rights of the unborn child are called into misgiving if the choice may potentially cause the death of the child.At this point, the doctors looked towards legislative measures to not only protect themselves from legal action, but to establish just about sort of precedent to follow. However, even the judge was hesitant to take on the role and stated that it should be judged on a case by case basis. Whether they maintain the agreement with the mother, or alter treatment to save the child, the doctors will always be in conflict when determining where the doctor/patient relationship lies and when it is appropriate to take action against the will of the patient.

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