Friday, May 17, 2019
Compare “Secret Life of Walter Mitty and †The poor relation†Essay
In this assignment I am going to write close to the differences and similarities of two shot stories. The offset account I am writing astir(predicate) is c bothed The Secret Life of Walter Mitty it was written in the late1930s by the author James Thurber. The second report is called The Poor congenerics Story it was written well-nigh 1850 by Charles Dickens.The connections between the two stories are that they are both short merely also they welcome the same topic. They are both about escapists, lot who trance.The first point called The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty is about a man called Mitty, and it follows him through a normal day. I get the impression that he is in his mid-fifties because his wife has to tell him to get a check up and that he is no seven-day a young man. He does not work and as no real skills, actually he is quite a pathetic man that sp give ups his days running around after his dominant wife. Mitty has a special difficulty in mechanical maintenance a nd in most of his dreams he fantasises about worldness an expert in complicated shapery i.e. operating theatre machinery and jet cream offs. Even when his wife asked him to vest light speed chains on the car he got it wrong and she now makes him take it to the garage.I mobilize Mitty is a truly light headed man and neer really got anywhere in keep because other people just pushed him aside. For example when his wife tells him to personate his gloves on he does not argue or act back but puts them straight on although he does not want to. In the space of a couple of hours in which the story is set Mitty slips in and out of reality and fantasy and the dreams always calculate to have a connection with something he passes in the street or remembers. Like when he passes the infirmary he goes into a dream about being a specialists doctor that saves the support of an important millionaire banker. That shows how easily he disregard just forget where he is or what he is doing.W alter Mittys wife is a very domineering person and seems to have a lot of verify over Mitty I have been smelling all over this hotel for you, why do you have to hide in this old chair, how do you expect me to find you. I think Mitty is a very privet person, as he does not talk ofttimes, only a few lines to his wife are said. His wife grapples him like a atomic child that is totally dependant on other people, she has to tell him to put on his gloves, debase overshoes and get a check up. She doesnt trust him anymore to do the simplest procedure as to put snow chains on the tyres that she tells him to go to the garage. This is a humiliating experience for Mitty because when he drops the car wrap up the other men at the garage laugh at him, he says that Ill wear my accountability arm in a sling next time they wont grin at me then.He obviously realises that people are laughing and mocking him but cant do much about it. Just walking down the street can be ill ill-fated for Mi tty as he slips in to a daydream and starts talking to him self. puppy biscuits That man said Puppy biscuits. I think you could call Mitty unlucky and accident-prone by all the minor incidents that take transmit in this short story. They are mainly to do with his day dreaming which keep him very interested and away from reality. They seem to make up for the lack of excitement or human attention that he gets. In all of his fantasise he is the hero of the situation and praise is all around him. The first dream is about him being a pilot of a naval hydroplane, he is in control and he seems to save the day some how.That is the opening of the story and we do not know it is a dream until he is interrupted by his wife telling him to unwind down. The second dream is about him being an expert doctor and d saving the day by fixing the operating machine simply with his fountain pen and then saving the life of some important millionaire. The third dream is in a courtroom and Mitty is on tr ial for take awaying somebody, apparently he can shoot any gun from a distance with both hands and still be on target. The forrard dream is set in the heart of a vigorous war and Mitty offers to fly a two-manned plane alone, people are trying to stop him but his wants to save the day. The fifth dream is at the end of the story and its Mitty getting executed by a firing squad. He takes a long reap of his cigar and dies with honour. IEverything in Mittys dreams seem to be what he wants to be like but never will. In four of the dreams it describes how he is good at machines which in real life is far from the truth. He comes across as being healthy and macho but in real life he needs a doctors check up and cant even put on snow chains. As a hero he is obviously respected and looked up to by fellow companions but also women. In one fantasy a lovely dark haired fille comes running into his arms which of course in the real world would never happen. The only woman that would look at Mit ty in such a way is his wife, and she is restricting, bossy and annoying. In Mittys dreams though he can do what he wants and there is no one to restricted him.Sometimes when Mitty dreams he starts accept in them and acts them out in real life. Like at the beginning of the story when he dreams of being a naval pilot he starts speeding in his car and his wife has to tell him to slow down. And at the end of the story when he waiting for his wife to come out of the drug put in he believes that he is standing in front of the firing squad. He stood up against the wall of the drugstore, ingest Mitty acts like a little child playing make believe games and a I think that is what other people treat him. Especially with the name Mitty you cant take him too seriously. draw up more about how much he believes in themThe second short story called The Poor Relation it is similar to the Walter Mitty story in such a way that they are both about escapists but it is still very different story. The Poor Relation is set at a Family Christmas Party where the short(p) relation (Michael) tells the other guest two very different stories about his way of living.The first story that Michael portrays to the family members is a translation of what he thinks the rest of the family thinks of him. Perhaps before I go any further, I had better glance at what I am supposed to be. This first story is very negative about Michaels way of life and he tells the other guests at how pathetic and unimportant he is. That I failed in in business because I was unbusiness likeThat I failed in love, because. He goes on to relate a normal day for him and describes where he lives, both of which have not much happiness in them.The only shred of contentment or worth while belonging for Michael is his little second cousin Frank. Little Frank and I go and look at the outside of the repository -he is very fond of the monument- and the bridges. When he dies, he says that the only item worth anything to him is a draft of him as a small boy. This he wants given to Frank along with a small miserlying of which he tells how sorry he is for leaving him. He finishes that description of his life on a grim note by saying I failed to find a place in this great assembly, I am better of out of it.Quickly after finishing that story he clears his throat and starts to enunciate louder. Such is the general impression about me. Now, it is a remarkable circumstance which forms aim and purpose to my story, that this is all wrong. He starts to tell the probably slightly shocked guests, of how this first explanation of his life was a fad, totally unreal. This second story has much more life to it and tells how he once lived with his cold mean but rich uncle in a castle. He used to come down each morn in the freezing cold to be greeted with the same breakfast in the long stone room.When his uncle pall died Michael automatically inherited his wealth and castle, but Michael fell in love with someone who his uncle disagreed of. His uncle tells him that no lengthy is he initialled to his money if he marries Christina, so Michael leaves his uncle with his new wife and they start a happy life together. He describes of how where he lives now he does not know what loneliness is, as all his children or grand children are always about, and Little Frank regularly visits.As it turns out this second story is a total lie and the first story that we were told is the truth.Michael is the kind of person that could be lead in the wrong direction easily because all his misfortunes are the result of other people letting him down, so he is easily taken advantage of. That I failed in love, because I was ridiculously trustful- in opinion it impossible that Christina could deceive me. What makes Michael a loser or inadequate in some ways is the injustice in his life. At the moment he is fifty-nine years old and is living in a small room that he must evacuate during the day. He survives on a small gross profit margin that John the party host generously gives him.The three main things that turned his life was the loss of his inheritance from his uncle, which was due to him falling in love with Christina who only wanted him for his money. And the loss of his business. That shows how most people treat him, no one seems to have much time for him Sometimes one of my relations or protagonist is so obliging as t ask me to dinner. Those are on holiday occasions. come out of the closet of the whole year he is only invited to dinner about twice or three times. His family know that he is poor, and at holiday time they probably feel that they have to ask him, it is not about wanting him to come.Unlike Mitty I think that Michaels misfortune is mainly his own fault, he cant see deeper than appearance and doesnt know what people think of him, thats how Christina took advantage of him and he cannot see that his relations dont really want him about.Michael dream life is a description of how he would like his real life to be because everything that has gone wrong for him is perfect in his dream. . I think he now realises why so many things went wrong for him but realises that it is a minute late in is life for much to go write in the way that he negotiation about dying.
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