Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Master Craftsmen in the Medieval - 598 Words
I like crafts that are made out of necessity because theyre a little naive - you made it because you needed it.- Amy Sedaris. Master craftsmen during the Medieval Ages created items needed for the kingdom to thrive. Craftsmen included candle makers, shoemakers, and farmers, but the most famous craftsmen were blacksmiths, carpenters, and masons. Every type of craftsmen were in groups called guilds and every guild needed to cooperate. If one guild failed to meet its needs, then the whole medieval structure will fail, causing the kingdom to fall. Carpenters, masons, and blacksmiths were important craftsmen in building castles and villages and you had to go through apprenticeship for many years before becoming one of the three master craftsmen. Before becoming a master craftsman, the child started their training at the age of eleven or twelve and became an apprentice. A child would be able to choose his own profession or follow the family business. Some craftsmen that a child can become include: carpenters, masons, and blacksmiths The apprentice would last from five to nine years depending on the trade. He received no wages and could not marry until he was a journeyman. After finishing apprenticeship, the apprentice became a journeyman. A journeyman received money for his labour and bought supplies that he needed. During his own time, he created a Masterpiece and later presented it to his group of craftsmen, or guild, to see if he was ready to be a Master,Show MoreRelatedEssay about The Importance of Merchants in Medieval Time s566 Words  | 3 PagesDuring the Medieval Times, merchants were just as important and wealthy as the lords and nobles. The way they would go about their wealth was getting an education to learn how to think, count, information about the world, interest rates, exchange rates, and many more information that relates to dealing with money and trade. Education has always been important to create opportunities to have successful jobs and it was interesting to read that in Medieval Times education was considered more of a hobbyRead MoreThe Industrial Revolution : New Objects, Materials, And Technology1341 Words  | 6 Pagesindustry and other programmable machines, such as computers. The French government loved Jacquard’s loom. The loom served as the spur for the technological revolution of the textile industry and is the basis of the modern automatic loom. In 1806 the master of the weaver s guild in Lyon commanded the public destruction of the new loom as it was perceived t o pose a threat to jobs in the weaving trade. Despite the initial resistance, the new looms gained widespread use throughout France. Not only couldRead MoreA Critical Comparison of Gothic Architecture in Italy, France and Germany1091 Words  | 5 Pagesbecome closer to God. The worshipper was not only drawn to the altar, but experienced an ascent to heaven at the same time.1 These artistic gems are a grand testament to historical technology and the imaginative approach and vision of skilled craftsmen. The gothic style is one of the most extraordinary achievements in European history, typically characterized by slender, vertical piers, counterbalancing buttresses, vaulting, pointed arches and stained glass. The strength of a gothic buildingRead MoreDesign Of The Bauhaus The Great Revolution Essay2199 Words  | 9 PagesFeininer for the outline, a full-page woodcut of a Gothic Catholic church. The outline of the publication date is April 1919. The first goal of the Bauhaus was to save all those artifacts that had been left to the world for a long time, to train future craftsmen, painters and sculptors, to unite them and to create them. All their skills would be The creation of the process together. The works they create will be architecture, because, according to the Declaration of the opening statement of the loud, allRead MoreThe Development Of Gothic Architecture1515 Words  | 7 Pagesyear. His account is backed by modern historians’ research and findings. His account also shows how master craftsmen worked with their employers in this time. It talks about a certain builder who talked to his employer and showed his plan to prevent further fire damage to the building. This shows a sense of people skills, enough so that he could convince the owners to think the way he did. These medieval castles and cathedrals followed some of the same principles. Most of the castles were built overlookingRead MoreBoth, Gramazio and Kohler, seem to satisfy a more holistic view of Richard Sennett ideas. They seem1100 Words  | 5 Pagesto map out the sequence of construction onto a programmed process Gramazio and Kohler gain immediate control over digital fabrication. Hence, instead of being mere designers of the form of the product that will ultimately be produced they become masters of the production process itself. Both, design and execution are merged together to provide a direct impact on the final product. They are no longer in a temporal sequence and the idea becomes converted into an execution drawing instantly. The designRead More Andrew Carnegie Essay1249 Words  | 5 PagesHe also had a brother, Tom. The main income for the geographic location where h e grew up was weaving linen. The people who engaged in this type of employment considered this an art since it had relatively unchanged since medieval times. Andrews father was one of those craftsmen. Since there had been so little change in this type of work, they were really caught off guard when machine production came around. For some, this industrialization was good. The Carnegies were lead to believe that this wasRead MoreThe Transition from Feudalism to the Renaissance5428 Words  | 22 Pagesof the population raised crops for food or clothing or tended sheep for wool and clothing. Custom and tradition are the keys to understanding medieval relationships. In place of laws as we know them today, the custom of the manor governed. There was no strong central authority in the Middle Ages that could have enforced a system of laws. The entire medieval organization was based on a system of mutual obligations and services up and down the hierarchy. Possession or use of the land obligated one toRead MoreIndia s Growth Of Insurance Business1762 Words  | 8 Pages(disability, death, flooding etc.). In Medieval Period In the dark and middle ages, most craftsmen were trained through the guild system. Apprentices spent their childhoods working for masters for little or no pay. Once they became masters themselves, they paid dues to the guild and trained their own apprentices. The wealthier guilds had large coffers that acted as a type of insurance fund. If a master’s practice burned down, a common occurrence in the wooden hovels of medieval Europe, the guild would rebuildRead MoreImagine A Stern, Frightening Boss On A Comedic Tv Show.1489 Words  | 6 Pagescalled personnel departments. The purpose for these personnel departments was for them to look into wages and the welfare of the factory workers. However, the utilization of â€Å"arrangements made for the welfare of apprentices working with master craftsmen†during Medieval Times led to the official personnel departments in the Industrial Revolution era. Because most workers were working long hours with no overtime pay and worke d in extremely unhygienic environments, employees began to riot. The government
Sunday, May 17, 2020
How Cultures of Mesopotamia, Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans...
Ancient cultures treated women more as property than people. The cultures that I will proceed to talk about are Mesopotamia, Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans and how differently yet how equally treated women. Women were more of a household decoration to the men of each culture, all they did was cook, clean, and be a mother to the children. When the men got home the women were expected to make him happy no matter what. Let’s start out talking about the Mesopotamians. The role of a Mesopotamian woman was strictly defined. She was either a daughter to her father or a wife to her husband. Women rarely acted and were treated as individuals outside of their families. If you were allowed to it was because you were usually royalty or the wives of men who had power and status. Almost every girl was trained from early childhood for the customary roles of the wife, mother, and housekeeper. They learned how to grind grain, how to cook and make beer, and how to spin cloth for clothing. Sometime women got a job outside of the house but it was just an expansion of her household duties. For example she might sell the beer that she had brewed that week. With childbearing came the call for a midwife usually so that was another job that women could have if you were a midwife you would create medicine that could help prevent pregnancy or terminate it. Soon after a girl hits puberty, she is considered ready for marriage. Marriages were almost always arranged by the families of the bride andShow MoreRelatedThe Start Of A New Beginning1449 Words  | 6 Pagesof understanding how things came to be. Western Civilization is considered the a turning point in history. It was the beginning of something new that affected life as we know it today. I however believe that the people of this time were more colonized rather than civilized. I say this because of how we see it as how barbaric it was compared to how we live our lives. The way the people came together to form a community and colonize one million years ago. To form laws and codes of how to live and coincideRead MoreMy Definition Of World History3916 Words  | 16 Pagesevents that have created the society and culture we have today. Without these events, we would not be where we are now. Several things about world history interest me while some things do not. I find learning about battles or wars to be very interesting. I also find how people lived long ago to be fascinating. However, I do not particularly enjoy learning about explorers and what they explored. 8000 BCE to 600 BCE: -The Shang Dynasty came to power -Egyptian civilization -Invention of the wheelRead MoreA Picatrix Miscellany52019 Words  | 209 Pagesof his book. Chapter 5 enlarges the discussion of the lunar mansions, by giving thirty-one examples of constellations of a different kind, favorable to the manufacture of talismans. Some of the talismans are described, but no indication is given of how to make them effective, a subject which later occupies a large part of the book (pp.2434). Inserted in the middle of the discussion is an account of the different effects of the various aspects (p.29). There follow remarks on the dependence of the talismansRead MoreRastafarian79520 Words  | 319 PagesRastafari This page intentionally left blank Rastafari From Outcasts to Culture Bearers Ennis Barrington Edmonds 2003 198 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016 Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford It furthers the Universitys objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide in Oxford New York Auckland Bangkok Buenos Aires Cape Town Chennai Dar es Salaam Delhi Hong Kong Istanbul Karachi Kolkata Kuala
Friday, May 15, 2020
Finding and Recovering Unclaimed Money
Unclaimed money is money left behind in the form of forgotten bank accounts, utility deposits, wages, tax refunds, pensions, life insurance policies and more. In most cases, unclaimed money can be recovered by the rightful owners. Both the state and federal governments may be holding unclaimed money and both provide resources for finding and recovering it. You Might Have Unclaimed Property If†¦ You have moved -- with or withoutâ€â€leaving a forwarding address. (Moving is the main source of abandoned utility deposits and bank account balances.)You have retired, been reassigned, or laid off from a job.You have not made a transaction on your checking or savings account for over three years.You have stopped payments on an insurance policy.You have an uncashed check made out to you more than 3 years agoYou regularly throw away your mail without reading it.You have noticed that regular dividend, interest, or royalty checks have stopped coming.You have settled a deceased family members estate. State Unclaimed Money Resources States are the best place to look for unclaimed money. Each state handles the reporting and collection of unclaimed property and each state has its own laws and methods for recovering unclaimed property. All 50 states have secure online unclaimed money and property search applications on their websites, along with information on how to claim and recover it. Unclaimed money most often held by the states comes in the form of: Utility deposits (very common), credit balances, store refunds State income tax refundsUncashed checksStock certificates or accounts, bonds, mutual fund accountsLife insurance policy proceedsUndistributed wagesChecking and savings accountsGift certificatesTravelers ChecksSafe deposit boxesRoyalty paymentsCourt awards or deposits Federal Unclaimed Money Resources Unlike the states, no single agency of the U.S. federal government can or will help people recover their unclaimed property. â€Å"There is no government-wide, centralized information service or database from which information on unclaimed government assets may be obtained. Each individual Federal agency maintains its own records and would need to research and release that data on a case-by-case basis,†states the United States Treasury Department. However, some individual federal agencies can help. Back Wages If you think you may be owed back wages from your employer, search the Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division’s online database of workers for whom it has money waiting to be claimed. Veteran’s Life Insurance Funds The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) maintains a searchable database of unclaimed insurance funds that are owed to certain current or former policyholders or their beneficiaries. However, the VA notes that the database does not include funds from Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance (SGLI) or Veterans’ Group Life Insurance (VGLI) policies from 1965 to the present. Pensions from Former Employers While it no longer offers a searchable database, the federal Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation offers information on companies that have gone out of business or ended a defined retirement plan without paying outstanding benefits. They also offer a list of non-government resources for finding unclaimed pensions. Federal Income Tax Refunds The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) may have unclaimed property in the form of unclaimed or undeliverable tax refunds. For example, the IRS may have refund money for persons who did have enough income in a given year to file returns. In addition, the IRS has millions of dollars in checks that are returned each year as undeliverable due to out-of-date address information. The IRS’ â€Å"Where’s My Refund†web service can be used to look for unclaimed tax refunds. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) may owe you money if your refund was unclaimed or undelivered. Banking, Investments, and Currency Bank Failures: Unclaimed funds from failed financial institutions can be recovered from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). Credit Union Failures: Unclaimed funds from failed credit unions can be found through the National Credit Union Administration. SEC Claims Funds: The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) lists enforcement cases in which a company or person owes investors money. Damaged Money: The U.S. Treasury Department will in most cases exchange mutilated or damaged U.S. currency. Mortgages Persons had an FHA-insured mortgage may be eligible for a refund from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). To search the HUD mortgage refund database, you will need your FHA case number (three digits, a dash, and the next six digitsâ€â€for example, 051-456789). US Savings Bonds The Treasury Department’s â€Å"Treasury Hunt†service allows people to search for forgotten savings bonds issued since 1974 that have matured and are no longer earning interest. In addition, the â€Å"Treasury Direct†service can be used to replace lost, stolen, or destroyed paper savings bonds. Unclaimed Money Scams Where there is money, there will be scams. Beware of anybody – including people claiming to work for the government – who promise to send you unclaimed money for a fee. Scammers use a variety of tricks to get your attention, but their goal is the same: to get you to send them money. Government agencies will not call you about unclaimed money or assets and as illustrated here, there are plenty of ways to get your money yourself. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) provides tips on how you can avoid government imposter scams.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay about The Banning of Alcohol - 1203 Words
When people think about alcohol, they think about a strong colorless volatile flammable liquid that is the intoxicating constituent of wine, beer, spirits, and other drinks. I strongly oppose the use of this beverage because this can be a very dangerous beverage to teenagers and adults. Alcohol has caused a lot of problems in the economy, and if people continue to misuse alcohol the number of deaths from alcohol will increase instead of decreasing. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration statistics in 2011, the amount of 9,878 people died in drunk driving crashes, one every 53 minutes. Alcohol should be banned because alcohol is a really dangerous beverage which has brought a lot of sorrow and tragic stories†¦show more content†¦Alcohol in large doses can be very detrimental to not only the user but to people around him/her. For example, if a man was to go to a club and drink a lot of alcohol, in which his body cannot withhold; his heavy intakes will lead to dizziness, vomiting, and impaired breathing and in extreme cases, unconsciousness and coma that can lead to death. According to Caron, underage drinking is a leading public health problem in the United States. Each year, approximately 5,000 young people under the age of 21 die as a result of drinking: 1,900 from motor vehicle accidents, 1,600 from homicides, 300 from suicides, and hundreds from other injuries such as falls, burns, and drowning. This shows that anyone on the road near an intoxicated driver is in grave danger as they can be killed or badly injured in an instant as the drunk driver has slight control over anything they are doing. Many reckless kills have been made by drunken drivers/people over the years resulting in many families to pay the price of losing a family member for no relevant reason at all but making alcohol increase death rates that could be provoked by intruding prohibition. For I have been a witness to actions like this, because in the year of 2012, my friend went to a concert with a bunch of friends; they was all partying, having a great time together, and consuming a lot of alcohol. It was all a bunch of teenagers that had justShow MoreRelatedBanning Alcohol Related Activities On Campus1107 Words  | 5 Pagescommunity members, these decisions raise a similar question to whether or not universities could ban Greek organizations all together: will this do more harm than good? Banning alcohol related activities on campus may help the situation at the College of Charleston specifically, but student scan continue to engage in activities regarding alcohol off campus- a dangerous option when they can no longer be help to the campus’s student code of conduct, rules or regulations. Walter M. Kimbrough, President of DillardRead MoreBanning Alcohol From Mainstream Consumption918 Words  | 4 Pagesstrike it rich. Some were triumphant, others failed, and everyone learned a little something along the way... Now, fast forward a few decades to the twentieth century. The United States government just enacted an amendment into the Constitution, banning alcohol from mainstream consumption. A collective of citizens grew irate and resisted, beginning a movement that would effect the country for years to come. So what do the Gold Rush and Prohibition have to do with the Internet? Well, they re essentiallyRead MoreIn the early 1820s to 1830s, Christian Values re-awaked the banning of drinking alcohol in the600 Words  | 3 Pagesre-awaked the banning of drinking alcohol in the United States. The State of Massachusetts passed a law in 1838 banning the sale of alcohol in anything less than a 15-gallon container. Two years later that law was revoked. This set an example for the banning of alcohol and a structure for other states to try. Later throughout the years Maine passed the first state prohibition law in 1846 , and a couple other states had followed by the time the Civil War. By the turn of the century, non-alcohol societiesRead MoreBanning College Students From Consuming Alcohol Before The Age Of Age847 Words  | 4 Pagesstudents from consuming alcohol before the age of twenty-one has a negative effect on the college campus because underage uncontrolled drinking occurs more often. If citizens of the United States are old enough to make life changing decisions for themselves and the country as a whole, why can t they buy an alcoholic drink? The current legal drinking age is twenty-one, but it should be lowered to eighteen and controlled in a safe environment. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and AlcoholismRead MoreThe Mystery Of The Unicorn Hunters903 Words  | 4 PagesLook at table 1 below. Although many of these words have controversial connotations, banning these words would accomplish nothing positive. For instance, banning a word does not get rid of the item you dislike. For example, banning the word gun, which appears in table 1, does not get rid of the actual item from our society. I do not see the benefits of banning the word gun. Talking about guns is difficult, but banning the word gun creates an even larger problem. Avoiding a word gives more power to itRead MoreAlcoholism should be banned772 Words  | 4 PagesTASK 1 Topic: Alcohol consumption should be banned. Argue for or against the statement. Argument For Topic sentence: Alcohol consumption should be banned Supporting ideas: 1. Effects of alcohol abuse in your body 2. How does alcohol affect family life’s 3. The effects of drinking and driving Task 2 Rough draft In my personal opinion I am in favour of alcohol being banned. I am a victim of alcoholic parents , so I can relate to the difficulties that I was faced withRead MoreAdvantages And Disadvantages Of Court Imposed Bans1563 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction Police, venue and court banning orders are used in Queensland and other Australian states to address violence in and around licenced premises. These banning orders in Australia are intended to ban disorderly and/or violent patrons from licensed premises. There are three types of bans that can be imposed; police imposed bans, court imposed bans, and venue imposed bans. These three bans differ in a number of ways, and have different strengths and weaknesses regarding how well they workRead MoreEssay on Getting Serious About Eradicating Binge Drinking988 Words  | 4 PagesHarvard School of Public Health found an increase of intoxication, drinking solely just to get drunk, and also in alcohol-related problems. Among these problems are injuries, drunk driving, violence, and difficulty in academics. For example, of the students that drink, more than half of them said that their motivation was â€Å"to get drunk.†Even though many students have suffered alcohol-related deaths, th e amount of binge drinking is still on the rise (20). With that said, binge drinking has beenRead More Club Owners Must Not Allow Underage Drinking969 Words  | 4 Pagesinto nightclubs serving alcohol. Throughout the course of this essay, I intend to prove that banning those under the legal drinking age from nightclubs serving alcohol not only benefits the community as a whole, but it helps each under age drinker as well. It is often argued that young adults eighteen to twenty are financial savors to club owners. Patron’s eighteen to twenty are considered adults; therefore they are responsible enough to be allowed in clubs serving alcohol, bringing more money intoRead MoreBooks Like The Harry Potter Series, Go Ask Alice, Or The Hunger Games1417 Words  | 6 Pagesconcerned parents or administrators that feel the book’s content is too overwhelming for their children or students. According to Butler University, over 2500 of the 3500 challenged books came from concerned parents between 2000 and 2009 (LibGuides 3) Banning these books places an authoritarian outlook on our school systems and freedom to read in America. An authoritarian government places restrictions on citizen’s freedoms in return for power over their country. By restricting children’s right to read
Methods of Reducing Prejudice and Discrimination - 2228 Words
Prejudice can be defined as the judgement of a group or an individual based mainly on group association. Prejudice is not necessarily negative. Ethnocentrism is an example of positive prejudice towards one’s in-group. Discrimination can be defined as the negative or positive behaviours towards individuals based on their group association. Discrimination may be obvious or subtle, either way both can be damaging. Although discrimination and prejudice often go hand in hand, there is a difference between the two. Prejudice is just the negative or positive view of others, whereas discrimination is putting prejudice into action. An example of prejudice would be that of ordinary racist remarks whilst an example of discrimination would be the†¦show more content†¦Many prejudices seem to be passed along from parents to children. The media including television, movies, and advertising, also maintain abase images and stereotypes about assorted groups, such as ethnic minorities, women, gays and lesbians, the disabled, and the elderly. Because of early socialization, some people are especially prone to stereotypical thinking and projection based on their unconscious fears. Psychologist Adorno proposed that individuals in their early stages of childhood who are raised with overly ascetic rules that are cruel, will develop an authoritarian personality type. This personality type causes one to become accommodate to high levels of intolerance, great insecurity, and being abject to superiors. In Adornos’ findings based on the studies of prejudice and unprejudiced people, he discovered children generate emotional hostility caused by having ascetic boundaries forbidding them to question authority. This leads to themShow MoreRelatedPrejudice, Discrimination, And Discrimination1050 Words  | 5 PagesWhat is Aversive Prejudice/Discrimination All types of prejudice vary in some ways , some people are very blunt and some people merely whisper under their breath or secretly avoid the people they dislike. This falls more in between those line with this being an example of averise racism specifically â€Å" Aversive racists, in contrast, sympathize with victims of past injustice,support principles of racial equality, and genuinely regard themselves as non-prejudiced, but at the same time possess conflictingRead MoreSocial Psychology -Inter/Intra Group Dynamics1051 Words  | 5 PagesRealistic conflict theory dates back to the beginning of the 20th century as one of the earliest of social psychological theories regarding prejudice and discrimination. Realistic conflict theory proposes that intergroup conflicts arise between groups as they compete over the same limited resources. This is a possible cause of prejudice and discrimination development within a society[1]. Generally useful for understanding intergroup conflict - focuses on the relationship between peoples goals Read MoreInjustice And Social Injustices1532 Words  | 7 Pagescaught in the overlap between discriminations often go unrecognized by the law and society. Many people recognize the names Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and Tamir Rice as African Americans who were murdered by local police. But names like Michelle Cusseaux, Tanish Anderson, and Meagan Hockaday often receive less feedback even though they are also murdered African Americans. The only distinction between the sets of names is gender. Even within racial injustice, discrimination is present between gendersRead MoreStereotyping: The Nature of Prejudice1539 Words  | 7 PagesA lot of people understand and have gone through stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination. Social Psychologists make a distinction between these by concentrating on either they include emotions, understanding, or attitudes. Racism is the influence, or reaction, visible feature of this triad. Raci sm includes a contradicting approach into individuals situated on their association in a specific organization. The psychological visible feature is stereotyping. Stereotypes are feelings concerning theRead MorePrejudice and Stereotyping1460 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿Introduction Social science distinguishes between prejudice and stereotyping: Stereotypes involve learned generalizations about typical characteristics of members of the groups. Prejudice, on the other hand, is evaluative in origin and usually comes from felt negative conditions experienced, or perceived, in connection with an alien group (e.g., Hoyland Sears, 1940). The two, therefore, although similar in consequence are utterly distinct: one is cognitive in origin, whilst the other is evaluativeRead MorePrejudice in the School Systems and How to Fix It1549 Words  | 7 PagesToday’s concerns about ethnic prejudice, taking place in the schools, are being brought to the forefront. In response to these concerns, two weeks of summer training is being considered as a requirement for all teachers and staff members. Some are under the impression that prejudice and hate are inevitable and therefore do not find the training necessary. What is being presented will address these concerns and show everyone that prejudice is prevalent with in the schools and can be reduced. ThereRead MorePolice Brutality Is A Trend Essay1579 Words  | 7 PagesNot to mention, Ethnocentrism may cause an officer to have preconceived negative assumptions about a individual, causing an officer to make prejudice remarks towards a individual or judgements formed before sufficient knowledge (Zastrow, Kirst-Ashman, 2015). This in turn, makes the situation worse because any time an individual is faced with racism, and prejudice they are more likely to refuse to comply to an officer. Racism is the belief that race is the primary determinant of human capacities andRead MoreDiscriminatory Behavior On The Internet2135 Words  | 9 Pagesgroup members, and is a widely utilized method of communication. As communication of such modes builds bridges and breaks down barriers, the Internet may be employed as a bias-reducing mechanism. In this case, a bias-reduction mechanism’s effects would d epend on whether it is used in the appropriate manner. The way the Internet is employed as a bias-reduction mechanism would depend greatly on our understanding of the nature of prejudice and discrimination on the Internet. When people communicateRead MoreEliminating Discrimination in the Workplace Essay2845 Words  | 12 PagesI have been asked to suggest different methods that can reduce discrimination and prejudice in the workplace. Is it possible to make everyone get along and ignore their differences? According to the growing research on discrimination and prejudice, these are learned behaviors that with practice can be unlearned, and ultimately eliminated (Baron Branscombe, 2012, p. 195). Discrimination is defined as the negative treatment of different groups: Prejudice, on the other hand is viewed as the negativeRead MoreAwareness Of White Privilege : Racism Toward Black Americans1016 Words  | 5 PagesAwareness of White Privilege Effects Racism Toward Black Americans Ongoing research efforts continue to focus on the cognitive processes involved in the perpetuation of intergroup biases as well as techniques that can be used to reduce racial prejudice (Stewart, Latu, Branscombe, Phillips Denney, 2012). Descriptive studies (Neville, Lilly, Lee, Duran Browne, 2000) and experimental investigations (Branscombe, Schmitt Schiffhaurer, 2006) have found a significant relationship between the awareness
Stevie Ray Vaughn free essay sample
On October 4, 1984, Stevie Ray Vaughn and Double Trouble played a benefit concert for the T.J. Martell Foundation at Carnegie Hall in New York City. It was the day after Stevies thirtieth birthday, and the trio from Texas was at the pinnacle of their career. The concert went on to be known as one of Stevies greatest ever, and the album reflects that feeling well. After an introduction by John Hammond, who brought blues to Carnegie Hall in the 1930s, the band rips off into Scuttle Buttin' and Testifyin, two fast instrumental pieces that are perfect examples of Stevies incredible talent with the guitar. The band then does three blues classics, Love Struck Baby, Honey Bee, and the down and dirty Cold Shot before going to a break. After the break, the band returns with a few old friends. Stevie and Double Trouble are joined by Dr. John on piano, George Rains as a second drummer, the entire Roomful of Blues horn section, and Jimmie Vaughn, Stevies older brother, on guitar. We will write a custom essay sample on Stevie Ray Vaughn or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The show suddenly takes on a big band feel, with Stevies guitar work complemented by the piano and horns. This large group does six songs with Stevie, including Stevies signature tune Pride and Joy, the Albert King classic C.O.D, and Dirty Pool, a mean song that exemplifies the heart of Southern blues. Then the show ends with Stevie alone on stage. He performs two instrumentals, including the slow and moving Lenny, a song dedicated to his wife, and the rip-roaring Rude Mood. It is a fitting end to one of Stevie Ray Vaughns greatest concerts ever, which has become a landmark in the history of the blues. The album is incredible, an essential for any blues collection
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Becoming A Career For Cancer Epidemiology examples Essay Example For Students
Becoming A Career For Cancer Epidemiology examples Essay In my early college years, a friend briefly mentioned that there was a place so extraordinary that he had to return every year. When I asked him more about this, he elaborated that this haven was a childhood cancer summer camp called Special Days. This camp brings in children who have or have had cancer, as well as their siblings. He attended Special Days in his youth after his sister developed cancer at a young age, but when he grew older he decided to return as a volunteer to make a difference in the lives of new campers. He invited me to volunteer with him one summer, and it was rewarding to establish meaningful relationships with the campers and the other volunteers. It was this experience that would serve as my inspiration to pursue a career in cancer epidemiology.While the devastating effects of cancer have been experienced by many, cancer was personalized for me after my experience at Special Days. I volunteered for several more years, and I listened to countless stories of how campers lost loved ones in the battle against cancer. I have even witnessed some campers not returning because they themselves were taken by the disease. Seeing these faces of pediatric cancer motivated me to embark on a career in epidemiology and make a difference for those affected by the disease. In the future, I hope to continue having an impact on lives at Special Days, but not simply as a camp counselor. I want to be equipped with an education from the University of Michigan’s School of Public Health in order to be a catalyst for reducing the effects of cancer that have claimed far too many members of the Special Days family.While discovering how to become actively involved with cancer health issues, my current research in scientific modeling. .various local and national research conferences within the field. These experiences of communicating intricate research projects with senior experts will be significant for becoming a practicing epidemiologist where I will be expected to collaborate with other experts on methodologies and results.After spending time with the some of the young victims of cancer who have experienced the negative health outcomes of the disease, I was inspired to tackle the condition by working with large-scale analytics on cancer epidemiology. In order to achieve my goal of reducing the incidence of childhood cancer, I will need to arm myself with the best education, collaboration, and community experiences found at the University of Michigan. The education and resources that the University of Michigan will provide will allow me to make a global impact amongst the leaders and the best.
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