Sunday, May 17, 2020
How Cultures of Mesopotamia, Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans...
Ancient cultures treated women more as property than people. The cultures that I will proceed to talk about are Mesopotamia, Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans and how differently yet how equally treated women. Women were more of a household decoration to the men of each culture, all they did was cook, clean, and be a mother to the children. When the men got home the women were expected to make him happy no matter what. Let’s start out talking about the Mesopotamians. The role of a Mesopotamian woman was strictly defined. She was either a daughter to her father or a wife to her husband. Women rarely acted and were treated as individuals outside of their families. If you were allowed to it was because you were usually royalty or the wives of men who had power and status. Almost every girl was trained from early childhood for the customary roles of the wife, mother, and housekeeper. They learned how to grind grain, how to cook and make beer, and how to spin cloth for clothing. Sometime women got a job outside of the house but it was just an expansion of her household duties. For example she might sell the beer that she had brewed that week. With childbearing came the call for a midwife usually so that was another job that women could have if you were a midwife you would create medicine that could help prevent pregnancy or terminate it. Soon after a girl hits puberty, she is considered ready for marriage. Marriages were almost always arranged by the families of the bride andShow MoreRelatedThe Start Of A New Beginning1449 Words  | 6 Pagesof understanding how things came to be. Western Civilization is considered the a turning point in history. It was the beginning of something new that affected life as we know it today. I however believe that the people of this time were more colonized rather than civilized. I say this because of how we see it as how barbaric it was compared to how we live our lives. The way the people came together to form a community and colonize one million years ago. To form laws and codes of how to live and coincideRead MoreMy Definition Of World History3916 Words  | 16 Pagesevents that have created the society and culture we have today. Without these events, we would not be where we are now. Several things about world history interest me while some things do not. I find learning about battles or wars to be very interesting. I also find how people lived long ago to be fascinating. However, I do not particularly enjoy learning about explorers and what they explored. 8000 BCE to 600 BCE: -The Shang Dynasty came to power -Egyptian civilization -Invention of the wheelRead MoreA Picatrix Miscellany52019 Words  | 209 Pagesof his book. Chapter 5 enlarges the discussion of the lunar mansions, by giving thirty-one examples of constellations of a different kind, favorable to the manufacture of talismans. Some of the talismans are described, but no indication is given of how to make them effective, a subject which later occupies a large part of the book (pp.2434). Inserted in the middle of the discussion is an account of the different effects of the various aspects (p.29). There follow remarks on the dependence of the talismansRead MoreRastafarian79520 Words  | 319 PagesRastafari This page intentionally left blank Rastafari From Outcasts to Culture Bearers Ennis Barrington Edmonds 2003 198 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016 Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford It furthers the Universitys objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide in Oxford New York Auckland Bangkok Buenos Aires Cape Town Chennai Dar es Salaam Delhi Hong Kong Istanbul Karachi Kolkata Kuala
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